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Olympics - bored already?

(35 Posts)
effblinder Tue 26-Jul-11 16:00:35

is anyone else sick of seeing the same old story every day about the Olympics? If we're going to get this amount of minutiae about how planning it is going, what will it be like when the competition has actually begun!

I know I'm a philistine - I didn't even apply for any tickets as I just can't face the number of people, stressful atmosphere etc. Anyway, please tell me this isn't just grumpy old woman me?!

veryordinaryjangly Wed 27-Jul-11 18:01:20

Yes, its going to be fine, ta. Splashed washing up liquid in it. NOT doing the washing up I have to add!

Yes. Smile and be nice. grin

He does overdo it. Embarrassing sometimes!

Oxon70 Wed 27-Jul-11 21:09:43

I'll join the bored thread.
I know I will get an overdose, just like the royal wedding!

absentgrana Thu 28-Jul-11 11:55:49

Now they've announced that the medals for 2012 will be the biggest ever in the modern Olympics. They look like something you'd win at a fairground. What is the matter with these people?

biggran Thu 28-Jul-11 12:58:57

It is all the secret ways we have to pay that gets me. LloydsTSB is an Olympic2012 patner (or whatever they call it) - and who owns that bank? I do, you do, every tax payer does. So, its another way we'll be paying.

I was bored about an hour after it was announced that London had 'won' the 2012 Olympics.

Any suggestions of what we can do as an alternative to the Olympics?

Perhaps a Granny Marathon knit-in?

FlicketyB Thu 28-Jul-11 15:56:27

Like absent grana I object to the cost of the Olympics - anywhere -. Every country competes to try to produce a bigger, glitzier more expensive Olympics. All of them end up with a mountainous debt that has to be paid by the government ie you and me.

Why do we need the Olympics anyway? Every year almost every sport has a world championship somewhere. Whoever wins that is the World championship, How does that differ from getting a medal in the Olympics?

And all this rubbish about it encouraging people to take up sport, they were interviewing someone on R4 today who had done considerable research going back over five or six Olympics and in most cases in the country that had staged the Olympics there were fewer people doing sport a year after the Olympics than a year before. As he pointed out it takes a lot more to trigger the major changes to someones life necessary for them to decide to not watch television/go to the pub/go shopping etc so that they can spend several hours of their week to take part in a sport than just watching the Olympics.

Jacey Thu 28-Jul-11 20:16:37

I love the philosophy behind the Olympics ...the more we come together, then perhaps we see fewer differences.
I was lucky enough to attend the 1984 Olympics in LA ...the memories are still vivid ...the atmosphere was fantastic...including being out to see the 'torch' on it's journey.

I hope once it starts ...we will all 'be there' cheering on the Olympians.
I don't watch any breakfast tv for exactly the reasons quoted above applies to so many 'events' in the media ...have to say that I loved the image of the welsh terrier ... but he's daily like that.
So ...'switch off' all this media hyph ...but please 'switch in' and enjoy next year.

Please go on-line to quilts4london ...I bet many of you are knitters, stitchers, quilters etc ...get making every Olympian has a 'gift' from us to take home.

artygran Fri 29-Jul-11 07:47:29

The thought of patting John Humphreys' tummy left me feeling quite nauseous! I will probably have half an eye on the gymnastics but the rest of it is a bit of a yawn for me. I get bored to tears watching athletics. Or any sport except golf really. What really will annoy me is that the coverage will be wall to wall and you probably won't be able to find anything else to watch.........

bunic Fri 29-Jul-11 12:43:55

they should have a olympics for over sixties? what event would you do?

JessM Fri 29-Jul-11 13:06:11

I think they are called the veterans games or something. I had an uncle who was a runner and once went to SA. Somewhere i still have an entertaining letter about his adventures when he ventured out alone, against advice.
Also i once had to wait to board a flight in Chicago, they were offloading about 8 jolly, injured, senior athletes in wheelchairs, on their way home...
Just off for a "jog" but i am still not enjoying this and so not "my event". Yoga or relaxation maybe?