Gransnet forums



(10 Posts)
CariGransnet (GNHQ) Thu 15-Mar-12 10:35:41

Gransnet is now on pinterest - mainly pinning cakes so far it must be said shock but looking forward to finding more gorgeous things and being inspired by some fantastic stuff on other boards as well. Do join us. It's already proving to be utterly addictive great fun

glassortwo Thu 15-Mar-12 10:45:40

I have been a member since before Christmas, love the idea but I keep forgetting to use it. But I have followed you.

Jacey Thu 15-Mar-12 11:23:51

OK Cari I don't mind showing my ignorance blush ...yet again!!

What function does pinterest fullfil? confused

have followed your link ...lots of pictures?? So??

Why do I want to look at them? What am I supposed to do next? hmm

Come on GNHQ ...fess-up!! This is the second day you've totally confused me ...not nice [sad

CariGransnet (GNHQ) Thu 15-Mar-12 11:37:37

Thank you glass

And Jacey sad - it's something everyone has been talking about so we thought we should take a look. So we did and then found ourselves hooked.

Lots of pictures - absolutely - but they can be used as inspiration for loads of things from recipes to books to things for the home. Or simply used as lovely or funny things to share.

Of course our forums are also places to inspire, share and discuss (and so much more) and we're certainly not taking anything away from those (perish the thought).

However it's also nice to be able to share photos etc somewhere other than Facebook and (for example in the case of our webchats board) spread the word about some of the other things that GN does.

But our forums will always come first - rest assured!

wotsamashedupjingl Thu 15-Mar-12 11:55:51

Did you bake those cakes Cari? They look yummy. smile

CariGransnet (GNHQ) Thu 15-Mar-12 11:57:10

I did (well - not the Primrose Bakery ones obviously) but yes, the others. I am rather keen on cake. (This may be an understatement)

wotsamashedupjingl Thu 15-Mar-12 12:00:09


wotsamashedupjingl Thu 15-Mar-12 12:00:29

me too.

Anagram Thu 15-Mar-12 12:29:24

Oh, I thought it was going to be something Harold Pinter-related! confused

glassortwo Thu 15-Mar-12 12:31:19

anagram grin