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Ladies and Gentlemen its time to take your seats

(87 Posts)
Dottynan Wed 06-Nov-19 09:02:45

We should not be defined by our gender when visiting a theatre therefore the Ladies and Gentlemen title is being dropped.

BlueBelle Wed 06-Nov-19 19:10:56

While working in the toy section of the charity shop I found a pretty little girl doll shoulder length blonde hair, it was only small, a Palitoy doll, not antique old, but definitely not modern Her dress was a bit tatty so I decided to renew it, on undressing her I was shocked to find a tiny but perfectly formed willy I left her for my colleague to see with a note saying ‘out first transgender doll’ when I got in this morning she had left me a note saying ‘only 99 more to find’ ??

BradfordLass72 Thu 07-Nov-19 08:40:35

Does anyone remember the wonderful Kinky Boots?

'Ladies and gentlemen - and those who are yet to make up their minds."

I always thought the, 'Women and children first' instructions at sea unfairly discriminatory - as if it didn't matter if men drowned.

As a result, women and children lost their husbands and fathers. Disgusting!

BradfordLass72 Thu 07-Nov-19 08:46:10

EllanVannin More and more nowadays they are pictograms, not words.

In some places we still have 'Tane' & 'Wahine but there are many jokey ones too.

In one steak restaurant it says, 'Heifers' & 'Bulls'.

Davidhs Thu 07-Nov-19 08:51:04

When I have an informal group I usually uses friendly. “Hello or good morning Folks...”
or if it’s a younger group “Hi Guys....” nobody has ever objected

MawB Thu 07-Nov-19 08:59:21

Ladies and gentlemen - and those who are yet to make up their minds

Love it BradfordLass gringrin

Ngaio1 Thu 07-Nov-19 09:41:20

I am surprised that there are not more important matters to occupy your mind!?

HannahLoisLuke Thu 07-Nov-19 09:55:31

Elegran, that's brilliant.

However, I'm a traditionalist so still like the rather old fashioned Ladies and Gentlemen.

Elegran Thu 07-Nov-19 10:17:01

Our minds cover all kinds of matters, important and unimportant. Don't assume that we spend ALL our time on one thing.

Anyway, what exactly isn't important about the discussion? Or was it the diversion into a bit of humour? I've always found that a joke can illustrate a point quite well, often better than some of the earnest pontifications.

Madmaggie Thu 07-Nov-19 10:27:57

Brilliant Elegran and shows how ludicrous all this pc is getting - I'm still laughing over 'enthusiastic amateurs'grin

Theoddbird Thu 07-Nov-19 10:41:19

What a load of twaddle. It is all getting too politically correct.

Apricity Thu 07-Nov-19 10:46:00

Help! I'm still wondering where the heck I take my seat!

Callistemon Thu 07-Nov-19 10:49:53

I must say that Tane and Wahine got me very confused BradfordLass!!

Annaram1 Thu 07-Nov-19 10:53:26

The priest at my church always starts off by saying "My dear people."

Growing0ldDisgracefully Thu 07-Nov-19 11:00:54

I was once on a training course where the facilitator said using the term 'ladies ' (especially if pronouncing it 'ladeez' was an old derogatory term for prostitutes (or enthusiastic amateurs?!) and she wouldn't therefore be using it. None of us on the course had heard of this and said we weren't particularly bothered, though a few of us doubted that we could actually be considered as ladies in the polite sense of the term. Personally I agree with everyone else who feels it's all got far too PC.
Loved Elegran's post and responding to Bradfordlass, there's a chain of American-style restaurants in Devon where the toilets are designated as Chiefs and Squaws. The line from Kinky Boots is a pretty good way to sum it all up, I think!

Elegran Thu 07-Nov-19 11:13:12

Growing0ldDisgracefully Shouldn't we be complaining about the "chiefs and squaws"? Doesn't that imply that ALL males are chiefs? "Squaws and braves" would be more egalitarian.

Whitewavemark2 Thu 07-Nov-19 11:15:14

I suppose they could say females and males and those in between please take your seats??

Rufus2 Thu 07-Nov-19 11:59:42

a joke can illustrate a point quite well
Elegran; Quite! Rude ones even betterer! grin We should have more around these parts, especially of your variety, but being old-fashioned I still prefer " My Lords. Ladies and Gentlemen," when I'm in the audience.
I think "Lord Rufus the 2nd." slides off the tongue very nicely What do you think? grinOoRoo

gillyknits Thu 07-Nov-19 12:46:28

I fully expect it to be ‘Will you guys please take your seats! “

grandtanteJE65 Thu 07-Nov-19 13:34:31

Sit down and hau'd your wisht, will ye?

Ohmother Thu 07-Nov-19 13:48:34

I wonder if all this stuff is the stuff we’ll laugh about when we get our sense of humour back and our rationality. ?

knspol Thu 07-Nov-19 14:16:03

Agree with Missfoodlove ie FFS!

Elcie Thu 07-Nov-19 14:24:24

Elegran has it sussed.?. And what about those of us who like to be referred to as ladies, female, women or whatever. Where’s the PC brigade to stand up for us?

Bridgeit Thu 07-Nov-19 14:37:41

We are all going to be to afraid to speak to each other soon for fear of causing offence.
Imagine the world in the future, it will be life imprisonment or worse, for the offence of mis- titling someone .
At least in the 60s we campaigned for & against real offences & inequalities.

Bridgeit Thu 07-Nov-19 14:42:05

We were much more accepting of diversity, hey Man we could all do our own thing .
Let’s campaign for a hippy revival??love & peace man !

Disneyfan Thu 07-Nov-19 15:01:04

So sick of the PC brigade. There are far more important issues in this world