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Dealing with sexism - If you could go back......

(140 Posts)
ToniSH Fri 22-Nov-19 17:01:39

Something I've been thinking a lot about lately, especially with #MeToo and general harassment issues being in the news. Like most "women of a certain age", I've experienced my fair share of subtle and downright disgusting sexism, and often wish I could go back with my 58 year old head on and give 'em what for.
Ironically, by the time we get to the age when we give far fewer Fs, we are bothered less anyway.
Is there anything you wish you'd done or said, back in the day?
For me, although I was pretty vocal about work instances, and paid the price a few times, I actually wish I'd "taken matters further" and made a real stink.

ToniSH Sun 24-Nov-19 15:32:59

PS. It's also wrong to rape prostitutes.

pinkquartz Sun 24-Nov-19 16:24:08


are you leading a life more removed than many?
You claim to have had no unwelcome sexual advances that you couldn't brush off and now you ask what does a prostitute look like?

In my experience prostitutes that work on the streets make themselves quite obvious.

pinkquartz Sun 24-Nov-19 16:25:08

yes the bottom line raping a woman is rape weather is up for "business" or not.

Some men still do not understand the word No.

ananimous Sun 24-Nov-19 16:58:40

You really believe that rapists only rape young women who wear common-place night club clothing? What about the old age pensioner who was raped in her home by a burglar recently? Asking for it with her cocoa and walking frame was she? People desperate to blame and shame women above the rapist make me wonder about their integrity.

rosecarmel Sun 24-Nov-19 19:26:07

I woke up one morning with a strange woman next to me- (long story) She was a prostitute- I'd of never known unless I was told-

A dear friend from my teen years was labeled as dressing like a hooker- Her mum was labeled the same- They attended church service to snickers and smirks and whispering- The majority of which were women -

Again ...what does a prostitute look like?

ShewhomustbeEbayed Sun 24-Nov-19 22:51:38

I was off sick with Glandular Fever from work as a Student Nurse and had to see the Occ Health doctor. He kept telling me it was the kissing sickness and asking about my boyfriend and what we had got up to. I was very confused as I didn’t have a boyfriend. Looking back I see how inappropriate it was but didn’t have the courage to speak up. I’m glad that the youth of today are better informed and less likely to just put up with people in authority doing and saying what they want.

pinkquartz Sun 24-Nov-19 23:03:52


There is not a single defined image of a prostitute

If it is a woman working the streets they usually dress in an obvious way......
If it is a high class hooker then she will dress posh and conservative.

And all the levels in between.
The street sex workers are the most obvious.....
Do you really not know this?

How can you not know?

Obvious is short shorts pushed up bra nand maybe t*ts out.
maybe no knickers ...
most i know wear lots of make up and have dyed hair.
however do not forget it could be someone dressing up for a party so you also must factor in behaviour.

Approaching in cars etc

SirChenjin Mon 25-Nov-19 06:19:48

I suspect rose was asking Grandtante what she/he thinks a prostitute looks like following their shockingly ignorant earlier post.

M0nica Mon 25-Nov-19 21:07:24

grandtante Most sexual attacks do not happen in dark lanes or on country lanes they occur in the home, mainly between people who know each other, drink is often involved. In situations where one partner says 'no' and the other chooses to ignore that 'no'

pinkquartz Mon 25-Nov-19 22:30:59

perhaps grandtante

could read my above post then

sorry rosecarmel I didn't see that you were responding to Grandtante

Starblaze Mon 25-Nov-19 22:35:10

If I could I'd go back I would pretend not to understand every single sexist joke and ask them to explain it till they got uncomfortable and went away.

Starblaze Mon 25-Nov-19 22:41:27

oh I just caught the mood of this thread, If people need to know what actual garments were worn when people were raped, this is an example of the exhibitions on the subject.

rosecarmel Mon 25-Nov-19 22:50:25

I had no idea what happened to me when it did- I was clueless sexually- I was about 14 years old when it happened- But if I knew what could happen to me I would have had the knowledge to be pro-active- I don't blame myself for not knowing but I'm sharing this story to encourage open, ongoing discussions with people you love-

It didn't happen at home, I wasn't drinking- It happened at night on the railroad tracks- When asked what happened to me I actually had no idea how to describe it-

All these years later understand how much worse "things" could have turned and remain grateful they didnt-

SynchroSwimmer Mon 25-Nov-19 23:01:44

When I was in the RAF, some chaps would have a conversation but “with my chest”....I don’t know where I got the confidence, but I would openly point to my face and say “I am actually up here”!

More recently this year in europe, I helped a young Russian girl who was walking a disused remote cliff road alone (I felt protective, as in she is someone’s daughter) and told her where I would be if she needed company (I knew there were odd people frequenting the area).

An hour later I saw her high above me on a narrow cliff path, she was unaware that I could see a man very close by, pursuing her. I blew a loud whistle from my rucksack repeatedly whilst waving, she acknowledged, retreated backwards to safety, and the man backed off and left.

I sometimes have to look “assertive” and have had to tell the odd european man, if I am out walking in remote locations, whilst pointing to my chest, that I am “Polis” - I am not of course, but they have backed off and it has saved me from some scrapes.