Gransnet forums


Self-Published Books

(2 Posts)
annodomini Thu 30-Jul-20 13:45:49

Our group had an anthology printed and published by a local print company. It's worth looking for such a company and asking for advice and a quote. You will probably find the name of a printer on the back of a local theatre company's programme or find on on line.

rowanflower0 Thu 30-Jul-20 13:10:58

I run a small U3A creative writing group, within our U3A in Staffordshire.. One of my members writes a lot of poetry, mostly documenting family events and occasions. She wants to collect a lot of her family poems together in a small book, to give to each member of the family (probably only about 6-8 books). Has anyone any experience of doing something like this, or have any suggestions about how she can go about getting it done?
With the wealth of knowledge and experience out there, someone must be able to advise her!