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On our walk today..

(5 Posts)
tanith Sat 07-Mar-15 22:24:24

We took a long drive out to Burton Dasset Hills Country Park today and there were many new lambs out on the hills so lovely to Spring had sprung..

janerowena Sat 07-Mar-15 22:37:02


baubles Sun 08-Mar-15 09:36:10

How lovely smile

Despite living in a rural area I haven't seen any lambs yet.

Mishap Sun 08-Mar-15 10:10:12

Yes it is lovely - there are lots of lambs in the field opposite our house and yesterday I spent a while in the conservatory quilting and it was wonderful to hear the birds singing and the lambs bleating in the sunshine. Can spring really be here? Mind you it is p***ing down just now!

hildajenniJ Sun 28-Jun-15 17:53:24

I actually managed to take my elderly dog for a walk. This is her enjoying a cool-off in the river.