Gransnet forums


   Note: This topic allows you to post a picture with your message using the Browse button under the Add Message box. You can only post one pic per message - and it will always appear above the text of your message, whichever order you browse/type in. If your pic doesn't appear to have loaded, refresh the page (they can be slow to appear). If it doesn't load at all, try making it smaller (50KB max).

collie and hellebore

(9 Posts)
TriciaF Thu 16-Apr-15 17:55:57


TriciaF Thu 16-Apr-15 17:58:48

Sorry! - it didn't work.

janerowena Thu 16-Apr-15 18:00:19

No, it doesn't. You have to make sure your images aren't too big a file and save them on your computer, post straight from there.

jinglbellsfrocks Thu 16-Apr-15 18:05:50


jinglbellsfrocks Thu 16-Apr-15 18:06:35

The first link works now! grin

TriciaF Thu 16-Apr-15 18:17:28

Thanks Jings grin
You are clever!
The collie is our little sweetheart.

jinglbellsfrocks Thu 16-Apr-15 18:28:36

I can't get the second one to work. sad

Actually, you can put links like these on any thread. You don't need to go to 'Pictures'.

Collie looks a sweetie! smile

janerowena Fri 17-Apr-15 21:18:18

Oh I see! I thought you wanted to be able to see the picture straight away. Like this.

janerowena Fri 17-Apr-15 21:20:27

Photobucket is quite sneaky now, you used to be able to post a photo and it would stay private, people couldn't follow through to the rest of your photo library. I only found out when I came on here and someone mentioned the rest of my garden photos!