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Thought for the Day

(101 Posts)
janerowena Tue 07-Jul-15 21:42:07

I can't believe the last thread was already full! shock

rosesarered Tue 07-Jul-15 22:00:41

I am very offended by this! grin

Anya Tue 07-Jul-15 23:31:42

Me today

numberplease Wed 08-Jul-15 00:04:20

And me, most days!

janerowena Wed 08-Jul-15 11:06:30

Definitely me, today! DBH couldn't wake me up this morning!

ninathenana Wed 08-Jul-15 11:07:56

grin grin

Anya Sun 12-Jul-15 21:14:57


janerowena Sun 12-Jul-15 22:01:10


Anya Mon 13-Jul-15 07:51:40

Thank you I needed that hug smile>

Anya Wed 15-Jul-15 10:43:03


Ana Wed 15-Jul-15 10:46:29

grin Wonderful!

shysal Wed 15-Jul-15 11:31:37


shysal Wed 15-Jul-15 11:56:35


janerowena Wed 15-Jul-15 12:01:37

I love both of those! grin

Anya Thu 16-Jul-15 07:18:32

I'll drink to that shysal wine

shysal Fri 17-Jul-15 12:44:46

I have been Googling!

Anya Sun 19-Jul-15 21:51:14

Very clever shysal how did you do that?

soontobe Sun 19-Jul-15 21:55:35

So true Anya.

janerowena Mon 20-Jul-15 22:23:22

It is very true! I also think it maybe be DBH's plan.

Did you mean, how did shysal do this?

janerowena Mon 20-Jul-15 22:25:03

If so, there are three boxes below, make a selection for each. smile

Just read my own post, above. Can anyone tell me what I meant? grin

Anya Mon 20-Jul-15 22:58:41

Ah ha I get it. Simple really if you have more than one brain cell functioning at the same time.

But sorry can't explain you to yourself Jane as I can't even explain me to myself.

Anya Mon 20-Jul-15 23:00:18


janerowena Mon 20-Jul-15 23:03:33

I could explain Russell Brand a lot better! grin

Anya Mon 20-Jul-15 23:09:10

Better not - you might shock some people grin

POGS Mon 20-Jul-15 23:24:14

