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Quilting in time for December

(3 Posts)
Stansgran Sat 11-Jul-15 18:43:54

I'm using up materials as I feel I've too much sitting around. This pattern uses up quite large piece of material. Would quilters among you post pictures of anything they've done to help me use up some more#shewhodieswiththemostmaterialwins

Elegran Sat 11-Jul-15 19:09:03

This is too big to spread out where you can see it all, stansgran All of it is from some furnishing fabric sample books that I found thrown out by a shop. Like you, I had enough material to ignore them, but I am glad I didn't as they all complement each other perfectly. You could use the larger pieces of your stash as the squares and the smaller bits pieced together for the strips between them.

I looked for another quilt I made from a booklet called "Strip, trip and shadow quilts" but it seems to have vanished off the face of the earth. You sew together long strips of several colours, then sew a wide strip of self colour to them and cut triangles, which you arrange in patterns. It sounds more complicated than it is, and the effect is great, without too much fiddling around. When I find it I shall take a photo and post it - and I'll try to scan the instructions too and post them (if possible)

Ana Sat 11-Jul-15 19:30:48

Just posting to say that as we can put photos on any thread now, you could have posted this on the Arts and Crafts forum smile.

(in fact I don't know why GNHQ have kept 'Pictures' as a forum subject, unless it's for random photos?)