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Postcard from NZ

(11 Posts)
grannyactivist Tue 11-Aug-15 02:05:54

Hello friends,
Here I am in the cafe of the Skytower in Auckland. Have petted and patted the baby - she's gorgeous - and am now having a day out to see the sights in Auckland. Public transport is so cheap I can't believe it!

chelseababy Tue 11-Aug-15 06:33:05

Lucky you grannyactivist! Visited NZ in 2012 and loved it all. How extra special with new baby! Enjoy every moment.

janeainsworth Tue 11-Aug-15 07:19:19

Have a wonderful time ga
So pleased your little DGD is well and thriving.

baubles Tue 11-Aug-15 08:02:53

Good to hear that your granddaughter is doing so well ga. Enjoy your trip.

ninathenana Tue 11-Aug-15 08:16:08

envy ga have a great time.

Indinana Tue 11-Aug-15 08:16:39

Now that is one country I would love to visit. Seeing your precious GD as well makes this such a special trip! Have a lovely time.

Lona Tue 11-Aug-15 08:35:36

Enjoy yourself ga sunshine, and have as many baby cuddles as possible! smile

Teetime Tue 11-Aug-15 09:09:15

How lovely ga have a wonderful

annodomini Tue 11-Aug-15 09:49:28

ga, that's a lovely view - one of many in that beautiful country. How wonderful to be with your new GD, after all the weeks of anxiety about her. Enjoy your stay. You deserve a break.

absent Tue 11-Aug-15 10:12:02

The weather in Auckland is set to improve, I think, but no doubt family love is keeping you warm and cosy anyway. It's cold in the South Island tonight!

KatyK Tue 11-Aug-15 20:15:15

Wow smile