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(8 Posts)
Woodstock Sat 26-Sep-15 16:10:56

Have just been watching CBeebies with my grandson, and we saw a programme on tortoises. I watched in disbelief as the little girl on the programme donned a pair of latex gloves before being able to hold her pet tortoise (which was kept in some sort of heated vivarium). After handling, gloves had to be thrown away and anti-bacterial gel had to be applied to freshly washed hands.
Back in the 50s and 60s, when I was a child, I had two pet tortoises - Timmy and Tommy - both of whom lived out in the garden, except during their winter hibernation when their home was a straw-filled box under the stairs.
Apparently, tortoises have always carried Salmonella. Really? I can't honestly remember anyone catching ANY disease from their pet tortoise - or any such animal being kept in what is basically an outsized fish tank.
What next? Full protective gear before stroking a dog...? Ye Gods!

whitewave Sat 26-Sep-15 16:22:06

My daughter goes on the premise that exposure to bugs is positively good, and prevents such things as allergies, well at least that is her excuse for being very relaxed about houseworksmile

ninathenana Sat 26-Sep-15 16:44:34

I expected to see photos of tortoises smile

shysal Sat 26-Sep-15 17:34:16

I wouldn't want you to be disappointed Nina! I was amused by the ones with knitted 'cosies'.

Jane10 Sat 26-Sep-15 17:43:25

When I was a young thing I was in a church choir. Every month we were invited to tea at the rectory. The rectors wife had 7 tortoises that were kept in the house wandering at will. I do remember very tense tea parties as they lumbered around the small sitting room. I was very shy in those days and was petrified of standing on one or tripping over one. They all had names which we were expected to know!

whitewave Sat 26-Sep-15 17:53:33

Actually now I think of it my son has a tortoise and I had to resue it from my dog. Dog was fine but tortoise needed to attend the vets, and be bandaged upblush

PRINTMISS Sat 26-Sep-15 20:10:12

How strange this subject should come up, because I was going to write about my friend who was just chatting with me the other day and mentioned her tortoise was not making any signs that he(she?) would be looking to hibernate soon - not sure what those signs are, she then went on to say that she had had her pet for 60 years and it was given to her by her aunt who had had him for years before that. They do live very long lives I know, but that is the first time I have heard of someone owning one for that length of time, they usually seem to wander off. My daughter is a bit like yours Whitewave and her children, now adult, seem to have survived remarkably well, building up a natural resistance to disease, etc., must be best in the long run.

ninathenana Sat 26-Sep-15 21:30:41

Thanks shysal I enjoyed those smile