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(55 Posts)
granma47 Sun 06-Mar-16 11:08:11

Why do so many young women insist on pouting when having their photo taken? I think it looks awful but maybe they are ashamed of their teeth.

tanith Sun 06-Mar-16 11:13:20

Its not just girls granma47 one of my grandsons and his girlfriend are always posting 'pouting' pics on FB, I suppose its all to do with the 'selfie' obsession young people have nowadays. grin

ninathenana Sun 06-Mar-16 11:15:09

Where's the picture??
I think this would be better posted in chat granma47
I don't recognize the name, so if your new.....
Welcome smile

Marelli Sun 06-Mar-16 11:16:18

Do they not describe it (derogatively!) as 'duck-lips'? It does look a bit daft. Not good to see young girls doing it, either. hmm

morethan2 Sun 06-Mar-16 11:44:12

Hello granma47 and welcome. Yes your right everyone seems to pout on Facebook nowadays. We take the piss Micky out of our younger family members for doing it. They can't seem to help themselves. They all have better teeth than my generation did. A genuine smile is much better. But then they must get really fed up of posing for photos, before the ease of almost instant photography we only got our photographs taken on special occasions. ??

NanaandGrampy Sun 06-Mar-16 12:24:47

I blame part of the rise on this unattractive posing on programmes like The Only Way Is Essex, full of overdone girls who are celebrities without an ounce of talent between them!!

Before anyone has a dig , I live in Essex - and wouldn't dream of doing a ' Donald Duck ' when having my picture take smile

Teetime Sun 06-Mar-16 12:43:26

I too am an Essex girl and I am incapable of even looking at the camera let alone pouting.

Elrel Sun 06-Mar-16 13:32:53

Especially unpleasant when small girls copy the pout for photographs.

hildajenniJ Sun 06-Mar-16 13:42:55

Apparently duck pout is out, and fish gape is in, have a look []
I hope the link works, I've never tried one before!

hildajenniJ Sun 06-Mar-16 13:43:33

Sorry I'll try again.

hildajenniJ Sun 06-Mar-16 13:47:47
Try this one.

NanaandGrampy Sun 06-Mar-16 14:23:06

I totally agree Elrel

Well that's just another name for looking nice but vaguely dim then eh * HildajenniJ* ??

hildajenniJ Sun 06-Mar-16 14:34:39

That's what I thought nannaand.

Antjexix Sun 06-Mar-16 16:52:54

My stepdaughter is terrible. Constantly pouting for selfies. At work, in the car in bed (sexily posing just under the sheets)and even in the bath. Now our 3 year old DGD is starting to appear in the pics...also pouting angry

f77ms Sun 06-Mar-16 17:02:05

I have noticed this too but didn`t realise it was endemic Lol !
I just think it looks brainless , I would stop my gd if she started doing it at 5 ! it makes them look like mini porn stars .

Elrel Sun 06-Mar-16 18:52:18

My oldest DG often puts her pouts of Facebook. The 16 year old 'I'm not a Goth but people think I am' doesn't. She is less likely to follow the crowd.

annodomini Sun 06-Mar-16 19:27:17

DGD (13) has just changed her profile picture on FB and yes- there's the pout, or maybe it's the fish-gape. Either way, I really don't think it's appropriate, but then I'm only her granny!

Ana Sun 06-Mar-16 20:00:56

Isn't it more of a 'kiss' gesture, rather than a pout?

Ana Sun 06-Mar-16 20:13:24

No, just checked with DD and it's definitely the 'fish-pout'!

kathleenfrick Fri 15-Apr-16 08:45:50

Looking women pouting is fun.

annsixty Fri 15-Apr-16 08:58:10

I have only just seen this thread and thought it was only my GD aged 17. It is awful and very showy offy and I've told her so, just got "the look".

shysal Fri 15-Apr-16 09:05:14

I think because selfies are often a bit distorted from being close up, the pout became a common way of posing among young girls, including my GD and friends.
Nothing wrong with using this heading, here are more pictures.

pensionpat Fri 15-Apr-16 11:28:29

I agree. Pouting is horrid. Even worse for me is people putting out their tongues. Not even vaguely amusing.

In my opinion selfie is short for self-obsessed.

harrysgran Sat 16-Apr-16 09:35:53

The other one I've noticed that looks ridiculous is the sticking their tongue out usually with a piercing in what is wrong with a nice smile.

loopylou Sat 16-Apr-16 09:45:22

Sadly I think it makes them look gormless, and Victoria Beckham is one of the worse offenders.
Mind you I think this obsession with selfies is - I was pushing a buggy and following a Chinese gentleman up Richmond Hill last week for a short while, and instead of enjoying the lovely views and sunshine he stopped every 10 -20 yards to take a selfie outside nearly each house. He clearly had no idea how ridiculous he looked.
I was very relieved to eventually get past him ?