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(7 Posts)
Elegran Wed 05-Oct-16 21:18:50

Saw this two-week old baby elephant in Dublin Zoo yesterday. They now have four youngsters in the herd. One is following the baby and her mother (she is almost out of sight), the other two are at the water with two of the other adult females.

thatbags Wed 05-Oct-16 21:21:46

It must have been fabulous to see the new baby, elegran, as well as the rest of the herd smile

numberplease Thu 06-Oct-16 01:38:24


whitewave Thu 06-Oct-16 08:07:22

I adore elephants.
Can't bear to see the carnage inflicted on them

Wobblybits Thu 06-Oct-16 09:01:49

So many creatures are killed for no acceptable reason, just to satisfy mans lust for rare items, furs etc.

For me (I appreciate not for many) I can accept the killing of wild animals for food or to control their numbers (culling), but this has to be as humanely as possible and not endanger the future of the species. I prefer to eat game, that up until it's moment of death has lived a natural life, rather than a farmed animal.
I believe that anyone who eats meat should be prepared to kill that animal themselves, otherwise how could we comprehend the value of that life.

hildajenniJ Thu 06-Oct-16 09:37:15

They must have a large elephant herd for a zoo. I love babies of any description. Dublin zoo looks fabulous.

Elegran Thu 06-Oct-16 09:53:37

It is fabulous, hilda you would love it. It is in Phoenix Park and there is plenty of space, and lots of greenery, with bands of trees and shrubs in around and between the different areas. There must be a greater depth of soil than Edinburgh, no volcanic rock just below the surface. And it is FLAT!

Yes, it is a big elephant herd and they have an enormous area. Only a small corner is in the picture.

But a lot of the reviews said the food was awful so we bought some salads and some ham in M&S, took them with us and had a picnic.