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(10 Posts)
ninathenana Sun 13-May-18 10:45:04

I've just snapped these two playing chase amongst the pots in my garden.
You will need to zoom in.

shysal Sun 13-May-18 11:18:56

Lovely Nina! Feeding/encouraging them is so tempting, but it is frowned upon by some. What have you decided?

Jane10 Sun 13-May-18 11:22:43

Awwww. So lovely. Its an honour to have them in your garden.

ninathenana Sun 13-May-18 11:43:41

We don't feed them shysal we have occasionally seen an adult over the years and the cubs have probably been around after dark but this is the first tim in the 30 yrs we've been here that we've seen cubs in day tine.
They breed under the old wooden building in the field the other side of that hedge..

Greenfinch Sun 13-May-18 11:44:41

Beautiful photo.My DD will love it.She is into attracting hedgehogs into her garden at the moment and is making a pretty good job of it.

nanaK54 Sun 13-May-18 12:22:08

Lovely, thanks for sharing

Fennel Sun 13-May-18 12:30:33

Lovely picture Nina.
They look very young - when do their tails become bushy?
I saw an animal from our window yesterday and couldn't decide if it was a fox or a dog.
He/she was adult size but the tail was quite thin and straight .

SusanBetts Mon 01-Oct-18 19:55:04

Thanks for sharing! Good shot! smile

farview Sun 04-Nov-18 17:08:08

Beautiful photo...I feed a young fox some nights at the end of our garden...

Luckygirl Sun 04-Nov-18 17:25:33

Oh wow!!