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   Note: This topic allows you to post a picture with your message using the Browse button under the Add Message box. You can only post one pic per message - and it will always appear above the text of your message, whichever order you browse/type in. If your pic doesn't appear to have loaded, refresh the page (they can be slow to appear). If it doesn't load at all, try making it smaller (50KB max).

Uploading a photograph.

(7 Posts)
1974cookie Tue 03-Jul-18 20:17:52

I am not computer savvy. Can anyone tell me how to upload a photo onto Gransnet please.
Idiots guides so VERY welcome. The easier the better.

Coolgran65 Tue 03-Jul-18 20:46:59

I'm not too good at explaining but I will try.
Go to the bottom to "Add your message here" where you text in to post a message.
Just underneath you will see 3 boxes that say 'Browse'.
Click onto the top one.
This should bring up any photos you have on file from your phone or lap top, or whatever.
Click onto the photo you wish to upload.
Voila.... it should appear.
Good luck and I hope I haven't left out some vital piece of instruction.

hildajenniJ Tue 03-Jul-18 22:32:21

If you use the mobile site on your phone or tablet, there are three circles below the message box. Tap on the paperclip and you will find your photos appear along with a camera icon. This means that you can either select a photo from your files or you can take a photo. It will appear below left of your message. Then post as usual and your photo should appear. Sometimes the post takes a few seconds longer while the photo uploads.

JuneS Thu 30-Aug-18 08:37:21

Because of back problems I have become very much less mobile than before and having lost my husband 2yrs ago have become a bit house bound. I have found it very hard to get motivated but decided to find a new craft interest. I have decided on painting and have finished a watercolour of two of my gr-grandchildren and a pen and wash of Port Isaac in Cornwall Both done from a photo and am very pleased with them.

JuneS Thu 30-Aug-18 08:41:17

I am very sorry that I have put this up in the wrong place. Am new and have no idea how to delete it and put it in arts and crafts.

Flossieturner Thu 30-Aug-18 08:48:33

Welcome June, those pictures are stunning. To get them moved press the ‘Report’ tab which is on the same line as your User Name. A box will appear and the. Type your request to have them moved..

thanikk Sun 25-Nov-18 09:00:50

Message deleted by Gransnet. Here's a link to our Talk Guidelines.