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Walking on Eggshells

(143 Posts)
Redhead56 Tue 30-Mar-21 10:29:54

I didn’t realise what I was getting into with my first husband. I should have known my dad refused to go to the wedding. He was a control freak and possessive with me I couldn’t see it.
I was spending a lot of time on my own too much time and when he was home he was a stranger. Because he didn’t want to be with us he was living a double life.
I had a three year old son and baby daughter life was very difficult. I knew I had to do something about it. I won’t go into detail but it was a nightmare of an existence with the new addition of physical abuse.
You do need legal advice and the finances in order. The last thing you need on top of separation are money worries. You get one life nobody can change it but you so be strong.

Sago Tue 30-Mar-21 10:12:34

Make sure the next chapter of your life is happy.
Good luck.

Shinamae Tue 30-Mar-21 09:43:27

Please leave!

Katie59 Tue 30-Mar-21 09:38:12

I suffered that for 10 yrs then left him, best thing I ever did, because I quickly found a man who’s does care for me. A big leap into the unknown, make sure you have a plan and some cash to see you through the first few months. Because it can easily take a year to get paid out

recklessgran Tue 30-Mar-21 09:20:16

Gosh you poor lady - you get less for murder! I think you know that for your own sanity you have to leave. Take your time planning your escape to ensure the best possible outcome for your future security. Do you have any support in real life - adult children or close friends? I'd start off with legal advice and a leaving plan. Everyone deserves to be happy OP so be kind to yourself from now on and stop pampering to him and his tantrums. Good luck OP you CAN do this. Hugs and flowers to you.

timetogo2016 Tue 30-Mar-21 09:16:04

I walked away from a marriage after 32 years Sue110 and NEVER looked back.
And ironically my sons said i should have done so earlier than i did.

Smileless2012 Tue 30-Mar-21 09:15:32

Take some time to look at your joint finances and then get some advice as to what you can expect to get if you divorce Sue.

In a situation like this, knowledge is power and by having all the information you need, you'll be able to make an informed decision.

It's a lot more than money of course, your happiness and well being are priceless and ultimately those need to take priority.

Good luckflowers.

sodapop Tue 30-Mar-21 09:09:23

After 16 years of this Sue its more than time to call it a day. Have you ever confronted him about his behaviour?
Find out how you stand financially etc and get some legal advice if necessary. It will be hard but the end result with peace of mind will be worth it. Good luck.

Oopsadaisy1 Tue 30-Mar-21 02:53:09

You’re right, you deserve more, it sounds as though he will never change, don’t put up with it any longer.

welbeck Tue 30-Mar-21 02:24:53

why would you stay ?

Nicegranny Tue 30-Mar-21 01:55:40

I feel very sorry for you Sue
It’s not nice to be treated as if you don’t exist and ignored. Surely you must feel really downtrodden after 16 years of this treatment?
I decided years ago (15) to remain single after I separated from my ex and I’m not very tolerant of men with bad behaviour and habits.
l wouldn’t put up with it and be treated so disrespectfully.
You do deserve better!

Helena61 Tue 30-Mar-21 01:39:25

I had an abusive husband so after 24 years of marriage I left
Sadly though this ruined my relationship with my oldest adult child

Hithere Tue 30-Mar-21 01:36:52

You are in a abusive relationship.
Leave and dont look back

Sue110 Tue 30-Mar-21 00:54:43

Thank you

Buffybee Tue 30-Mar-21 00:48:30

Don’t put up with this mental abuse any more.
See a solicitor without him knowing and make sure you have details of any bank accounts etc he has or anything else financial and then leave and start divorce proceedings.
I’d rather be chained to the devil than live with someone like this.
Just who does he think he is?

CafeAuLait Tue 30-Mar-21 00:33:42

I agree with Esspee.

Esspee Tue 30-Mar-21 00:20:30

I think leaving would be the healthiest thing to do. Enjoy the rest of your life without the stress you are under at the moment. Good luck.

Sue110 Tue 30-Mar-21 00:07:36

I’ve been tiptoeing around my husbands moods for 16 years & was wondering if anyone else is dealing with this kind of personality? Some examples...
If I say something he doesn’t like he blanks me for days at a time. Or I may say something he doesn’t agree with he flies into a verbally explosive rage at me. If I’ve annoyed him & we are with friends, he blanks me whilst chatting to them as if everything’s ok. At other times he is often kind & pleasant. I never know where I stand with him. I’m 65 & am at the point of leaving... this is a huge decision as I’m now retired... but I feel I deserve more... there is so much more I could tell you...