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What Auntie Beeb doesn't tell you

(28 Posts)
baggythecrust! Tue 28-Jun-11 11:56:27

FlicketyB Fri 08-Jul-11 18:20:17

If the world overall is warming up, what ever local deviations there may be, and the evidence is that it is, whatever the cause, it is better if humans do not make it worse so curbing CO2 emissions is a good precautionary practice. In other words if your house is on fire you pour water on it, you do not start feeding it with fuel. You bother about the cause of the fire later.

It is similar with energy, there are doomsters who say that we are already running out of fossil fuel, which is probably not true, but common sense must tell us that, even if it is a hundred years or more away, we will eventually find that all the easily accessed oil and gas resources have been exhausted and the only resources left are in technologically challenging areas and very expensive to access.

It makes sense therefore to look for alternative ways of supplying energy, preferably from sources that will not run out. Not only are CO2 emissions into the atmosphere reduced by not using fossil fuels for generating electricity but fossil fuels are not an efficient way of making electricity as only about 40% of the energy they contain is output as electricity. It is better to conserve them for other uses in industry and direct heating where there are no obvious alternatives and look to other sources like nuclear, the sun, water, biomass and wind to provide us with our energy

So if we, our children and grandchildren and all the emerging nations want to keep to a way of life we have or aspire to we have to look for alternative renewable ways of producing energy regardless of global warming.

JessM Fri 08-Jul-11 22:04:49

apologise for lack of clarity CC . it was a general point about posting links from opinion based sources. trouble is in this particular arena the science you cant do experiments...
re your other post CC I think you are more likely to influence people if you adopt a slightly less full-on approach.