Store cupboard macaroni Romano

Store cupboard macaroni Romano from eGJ

Serves2 but easy to double
Prep time15 mins
Cook time15 mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


Store cupboard Macaroni Romano

For 2 (easily multiplied)
1 chopped red or green pepper
2 tomatoes sliced
100 g or 4 oz macaroni
1 medium tin of condensed soup ( usually mushroom)
Small tin of Spam or 100 g 4 oz cooked ham
Salt and pepper

50g 2 oz grated cheddar cheese

Handy Hint

I use same amount of soup for double the pasta pepper and ham


1 cook macaroni in boiling salted water for 8 minutes

2 cut pepper in half, remove seeds and white pith cut into dice. Blanch in boiling water for 2 minutes OR do lots of peppers and open freeze them and take out a handful!

3 cut ham or Spam into dice wash and slice tomatoes

4 make up soup as directed ( i.e. Put in contents into a sUcepan and add a can of water) add the ham and pepper and bring to the boil

5 add cooked drained macaroni and put in a shallow dish. Sprinkle on the grated cheese and slices of tomato

6 put in an oven @ 200'C 180'C fan for about 15 minutes

gransnetter Reviews

From: eGJ on Sat 07-Jan-17 17:29:13 Overall rating: 0.0