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Life changing discoveries

(97 Posts)
Justwidowed Tue 27-Jul-21 21:03:04

Today it is 100 years since Banting and Best isolated insulin for human use. Without it I and many thousands of diabetic worldwide would not be alive. What discoveries have improved your life .

Doodledog Sun 08-Aug-21 21:25:05

I'm so very sorry to read that.

I also suffer from asthma, and know how frightening it can be, but my experiences will have been nothing compared to those of your poor nephew.

It must have been horribly distressing for the whole family too.

Coolgran65 Sun 08-Aug-21 12:17:24

Asthma drugs gave my nephew life for 13 years. And an oxygen supply was reserved for him in the school office. He also had all over excema (sp) where he was regularly admitted to hospital and had full body wraps for treatment. Steroids played such a major part of his short life.
The family were on first name terms with his medical consultant and arrangements in place so he could go directly to the hospital paediatric ward when required without contacting his doctor.
Unfortunately he unexpectedly died at home at age 13 following a heart attack. But not unexpected to his medical team. His consultant attended his funeral. He would have now been 38 years old.

Musicgirl Sun 08-Aug-21 12:01:22

Trisher, it was not meant as a criticism and l know only too well what a bad asthma attack feels like and what it is like to see someone in the throes of a bad attack. I hope your grandson gets better from it as he gets older. I agree that the medicines for asthma have changed out of all recognition thank goodness. I remember only too well the feeling of fighting for breath while being propped up on several pillows and the medication taking a long time to work. I was trying to show how attitudes have changed over the years and I am sorry you felt l was criticising you - nothing could have been further from my thoughts.

Kamiso Sat 07-Aug-21 21:11:34


I was a Rhesus baby, had blood transfusions at a few days old. This nearly 70 years ago. I suppose previous babies born with this just died?

Have donated over 100 pints of blood myself, as a small thank you to my anonymous donors, all those years ago.

A friend of my stepmother lost six babies before having a child who survived because of the blood transfusions.

TrendyNannie6 Sat 07-Aug-21 21:03:14

Steriods, I’m a rhesus baby also, and antibiotics

annodomini Sat 07-Aug-21 20:14:27

Where would many of us be without joint replacements? My hip allowed me to live normally again; my partial shoulder implant made life bearable after waking in tears night after night for years. Add to that all the medical treatments that have improved life for rheumatoid arthritis and osteo-arthritis patients. There must be hundreds of thousands of us walking around who would have been housebound in an earlier time.

Doodledog Sat 07-Aug-21 19:07:38

Safe caesarean sections have saved my life. If i hadn't had an emergency section, I would have died in childbirth when delivering my son, who would have died too.

Obviously if that had happened, I would not have been there to get pregnant with my daughter, but I had an elective one to deliver her, as I was not 'designed' for natural childbirth.

trisher Sat 07-Aug-21 18:49:38

My DS was diagnosed with asthma before he was 5 and it was nothing like as severe as my GS. But I don't know why you thought I was criticising I was just explaining for those who had no idea what a "childhood wheeze' was.

Musicgirl Sat 07-Aug-21 15:05:49


The drug my GS has taken since he was 2 to keep his "childhood wheeze" under control (They don't call it asthma now until 5+). Two hospitalisations because it was bad but goodness knows what would have happened without his medication.

When we were children asthma was very rarely named until we were around ten. We were just known as wheezy children. For me, with a history of hay fever and eczema since babyhood, it was obvious that it was asthma, particularly as there was also a family history of it. The medication was rudimentary at that time to say the least. In many ways, this was a good family as most children grow out of the tendency by the age of ten, thankfully, and there seemed to be a phase not so long ago of labelling every child with a mild wheeze or breathlessness as suffering from asthma. Obviously, it is different for your grandson as it was for my son and me, but, on the whole, I think it is a better idea not to label most children with a dignosis of asthma.

trisher Sat 07-Aug-21 10:31:35

The drug my GS has taken since he was 2 to keep his "childhood wheeze" under control (They don't call it asthma now until 5+). Two hospitalisations because it was bad but goodness knows what would have happened without his medication.

luluaugust Sat 07-Aug-21 10:19:29

Whatever the injection was that stopped my son being born far to early.

Witzend Fri 06-Aug-21 10:58:17

Except for vaccines, nothing for me personally, but certainly the high-tech intensive care unit that very likely saved my baby grandson’s life when he developed severe bronchiolitis at only 4 months. Eternally grateful to the wonderful JR in Oxford.

Gilly8591 Mon 02-Aug-21 10:14:07

Laser eye surgery Have family members who were diagnosed with hereditary eye condition and then tested and aware of symptoms. This saved my eye sight

IVF/ ICSi. After 14 years of fertility treatment I had my daughter. Sadly my first born son after ten years of treatment was stillborn 24 years ago. I still miss him

Galaxy62 Thu 29-Jul-21 22:10:02

I too was a Rhesus baby and had a transfusion 60 odd years ago, unfortunately 2 siblings born before me both died of this condition

valdali Thu 29-Jul-21 18:51:45

How about gene therapy? New here and eye-wateringly expensive, just one infusion to a baby will give them lifelong respite from the genetic life-limiting disease they were born with. Although it's early days, they should never suffer from it at all (spinal muscle atrophy, CF)

BlueSky Thu 29-Jul-21 10:26:58

Same here Lucca. The internet and all the fantastic things that it allows you to do, FaceTime was sci-fi when I was a teenager !

halfpint1 Wed 28-Jul-21 21:52:21

Climate change

Smurf52 Wed 28-Jul-21 21:15:07

Blood transfusions. I'm a bleeder and after the birth of my twins in 1979 I lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion. One of the nurses said that I would have died after childbirth if I had lived in Victorian times.

Granniesunite Wed 28-Jul-21 20:56:34

The www. It’s opened up a world of interest, education and company for me. My husband is ill and I’m at home all day every day. Its a life saver from isolation and loneliness. I love it.

Yammy Wed 28-Jul-21 20:35:37

Transplantation, heart, lung and kidney.
Arterial stents and bypasses gave my father 15 years more life.

Grandma70s Wed 28-Jul-21 19:47:43


Streptomycin It saved my husband's life in 1953 when he would otherwise have died of TB.

I was just about to post about streptomycin. It saved my life in 1954 when I was 14 years old. Injections every day for about a year. Just as well I didn’t have a fear of them - I’d have had to overcome it pretty quickly if I had.

Sallywally1 Wed 28-Jul-21 19:32:52

Heart bypass machine which enabled my then 18 year old son to have a five hour open heart valve replacement surgery which saved his life. Original natural valve destroyed by sepsis, so another life changing discovery for him (and everyone else) is antibiotics. And medical science. And modern medicine. And Advances in our understanding of diseases. I would go on.

Thank god for our NHS

Alegrias1 Wed 28-Jul-21 19:29:07

That's a fabulous story Notagranyet1234! Congratulations!

grannybuy Wed 28-Jul-21 19:26:46

Ventilators. Without these in the neo natal unit, my daughters wouldn’t have survived. As like another poster, antibiotics and blood transfusion after post partum haemorrhaging saved my life.

Notagranyet1234 Wed 28-Jul-21 19:18:07

Being tested for a specific learning disability aged 48 and discovering that actually rather than being stupid and lazy I was actually quite clever. I've spoken about this before but I always felt a bit stupid and had no self confidence because of the way I was treated by my teachers at school because of my poor working memory and total lack of mathematical ability (despite trying really hard). Aged 47 I accepted an offer to study for a foundation course at university. Where my lecturers picked up on something in my work which resulted in me being diagnosised with a specific learning disability. With specific tutoring I gained very respectable passes in both my BSc hons and MSc.
I now know that it wasn't that I couldn't learn as I was constantly told by teachers, rather that they couldn't teach me. It changed my life.