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An easier maths puzzle to solve

(146 Posts)
Marydoll Mon 30-Mar-20 07:54:34

After the fun ?we had yesterday, trying to solve a maths puzzle , I thought I would post a simpler one, then we can build up the difficulty over the period of incarceration!?
Not only do you have to solve it, you have to explain how you got your answer. ?
Good luck! There will be an ? from the teacher for all of those who solve it.

Whitewavemark2 Mon 30-Mar-20 08:00:00

OK another day of complete humiliation.

5x4=20 x2 =40

So answer is 126

Until the next reply

tanith Mon 30-Mar-20 08:01:46



Marydoll Mon 30-Mar-20 08:26:37

I tried to be kind, but apparently this is too easy for some.?

I will wait until later before awarding the ?????? and post a more difficult example. This is example is not controversial enough! ?

As people don't always read the whole thread, I will leave it for a bit.

LullyDully Mon 30-Mar-20 08:34:07

Even I managed that one . Thanks keep them coming.

Whitewavemark2 Mon 30-Mar-20 08:45:13

Blimey I got it right!!

Marydoll Mon 30-Mar-20 08:51:10

Whitewavemark2 Tanith ??,
LullyDully, you didn't hand in your working! ?

Here is the next one.?

littleflo Mon 30-Mar-20 08:54:40

How about this then?
Three children are in a classroom
Their first names are Anne, Brian and Mary.
Surnames are Brown, White and Green
Their ages are 7, 9 and 10

Can you work out which is which with these clues.

Miss Brown is 3 years older than Mary.
The child with the surname White is 9

Whitewavemark2 Mon 30-Mar-20 08:56:28

A miracle?

Leap year baby?

Whitewavemark2 Mon 30-Mar-20 09:00:02

Miss AnneBrown = 10
Mary Green= 7
Brian White =9

Lisagran Mon 30-Mar-20 09:00:31

Ann Brown 10
Brian White 9
Mary Green 7

Marydoll Mon 30-Mar-20 09:01:14

I'm loving this. I've worked out the ages, it's the first names that I'm working on.?

Lisagran Mon 30-Mar-20 09:01:25

Snap WWM2

Marydoll Mon 30-Mar-20 09:01:50

Too slow!?

Marydoll Mon 30-Mar-20 09:03:34

That's a lot of apples you are collecting, Whitewave.?

Marydoll Mon 30-Mar-20 09:05:58

I'm leaving the classroom for a while, best behaviour children!

I have forgotten to take my medication.?

Whitewavemark2 Mon 30-Mar-20 09:06:54

I’ll share them, you can have too much of a good thing?

Granny23 Mon 30-Mar-20 09:07:55

Agree with Whitewave and Lisa. Easy Peasy

monk08 Mon 30-Mar-20 09:08:36

Miss Ann brown 10
Brian White 9
Mary gree 7

Marydoll Mon 30-Mar-20 09:09:41

They are meant to be easy, to encourage posters to try. However, if you don't explain your answer, how do we know you actually worked it out???

Whitewavemark2 Mon 30-Mar-20 09:11:20

Square = 3
Triangle =2
Circle = 4


littleflo Mon 30-Mar-20 09:13:12

for those that like this sort of thing, there is a free Ap called ‘Puzzle Page’. It has lots of different types of puzzles. The

littleflo Mon 30-Mar-20 09:15:29

Here is a sample

littleflo Mon 30-Mar-20 09:15:50


Callistemon Mon 30-Mar-20 10:03:24

I am still puzzled about Mary as 1895 wasn't a Leap Year

I need another brew