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Dieting & exercise

Monday 10th September weigh in.

(39 Posts)
glassortwo Sun 09-Sep-12 22:50:20

Almost Monday again, good luck. Off to my bed I think. grin

Sbagran Sun 09-Sep-12 23:03:37

flag flag flag flag flag flag flag flag
Told you I would get the flags out if those wonderful numbers 1 and 5 and something appeared on the scales AND THEY DID!!! grin grin grin
Can't stop grin-ing!
159.6 - a loss of only 0.8 of a pound but from 160.4 it is enough to tip me below the 160 so I am happy happy happy! grin
Considering DH led me astray last Monday on our wedding anniversary and nearly blew up My Fitness Pal I am happy to have lost anything!
I really hope the flags will stay out for Alison who has been my co-sufferer and for everyone this week - GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!! grin
Still not seen Sewsilver - does anyone know if she is ok?

AlisonMA Mon 10-Sep-12 10:05:25

Sba flag me too! After being such a very bad girl last week I am out of detention. I have lost all the weight I put on and have made my first goal. I'm in single figures at last! In addition to the naughty extra weight I have lost 1.4 lbs. Now to work on the next 2 somewhat easier targets (I hope) I want to make it to a loss of a full stone and to get my BMI into normal mode. smile

Well done sba you are such a good girl and I am so happy for you. flag flag flag Shall we both try to be prefects next week? grin

Good luck to the rest of you, I'm off to the gym now!

glassortwo Mon 10-Sep-12 10:11:03


Sba Well done!!!

alison great you have reached your 1st target.

Be good you two shock

Bez Mon 10-Sep-12 10:48:18

Have now unpacked the best scales - easiest to read etc - pleased to say definitely not put any on and think I have lost about half a pound - which is quite pleasing since I have been less mobile the last few weeks with the broken arm etc.
Started physio now in France - he is such a lovely kind man - so hoping things really begin to improve.

Back to the diet properly now and see what next Monday brings.

Congrats to all those who have done so well - gives me hope!

glassortwo Mon 10-Sep-12 10:52:55

bez hope you see lots of improvement once your physio starts, good luck for next week.

AlisonMA Mon 10-Sep-12 13:14:43

Glass & sba I am being such a swot! Been to the gym and now eating a big bowl of salad. Just thought I would get this in in case I fall off again later in the week! grin

Sbagran Mon 10-Sep-12 18:04:19

Wow ... what a lorra lorra flag flag flag Thank you glass

Well done Alison I missed you when you were in detention and yes, I think we should both be perfect prefects this week! Trouble is if we get too high up in our own estimation we may have a long way to fall - but while it lasts I am happy to wallow in self-congratulation! grin

Been out for lunch today (celebrating DD1 securing a job!) but had good healthy liver and onions (and NO PUD!!!) so if I am good this evening should be ok? Going on MFP now to sort out what I can have!

Good luck Bez and good luck everyone especially our newbies. We are all such a great support to each other, this weekly thread is brilliant for keeping us focussed. I just want to ensure I don't get that 16...lbs ever again on my weight chart! My final target is a fair way off yet as I want to be about 10stone 7lbs (147lbs) but slow but sure I WILL GET THERE! According to My Fitness Pal I should hit my target just before Christmas - that would be great but will then mean even greater will-power than ever hmm

GrannyK Tue 11-Sep-12 10:11:06

My Fitness Pal is still keeping me very much on the straight and narrow , but after the initial brilliant weight loss I have stayed the same for two weeks now. I can't be too despondent as it is only a pound or so above my target weight and I feel very good on it . Am hoping that if I stay focused they will melt away too eventually. And if I can just stop the ridiculous yo yo ing , with the weight going up and down I will be realy happy .
Well done everyone who has posted so far . It al sounds very positive and encouraging . Keep it up

AlisonMA Tue 11-Sep-12 10:14:21

sba I can't fall very far, I'm 5' 2" smile

Well done Bez and Grannyk. Wish I could get near my target too

Rosiebee Tue 11-Sep-12 10:27:29

Down but not out! By Thursday last week I'd lost another 2 and a half pounds doing the 5/2 diet. Brilliant, but by Monday this week I'd put it on again. Weekend away with B-in-L and S-in-Law where I think the only liquid I drank apart from various alcoholic beverages, was coffee. Well ok that's a bit OTT, but coupled with eating out continually at lovely restaurants, it was a disaster waiting to happen, weightwise. Back on the water and soup today for one of my two days, to try and make it right before we meet them again in about 10 days time. It is very hard trying to be even reasonably good as you come across all prissy if you want to order water or salad when everyone else is on wine and gorgeous food. It's really helpful reading everyone elses' stories. It gives you lots of hope that you CAN do this.

Notsogrand Tue 11-Sep-12 18:02:17

Some great achievements this week...well done ladies!

I've put on 2lbs this week, so that's a 4lbs gain over a gadding-about fortnight. I can live with that.

I've been back on the straight and very narrow since yesterday, cabbage soup & salad mainly and way under MFP allowance. I just want a few days of fairly low intake, then I'll get back to proper meals. It's good also to get back to proper exercise routines.

Good luck to everyone this week and particularly our new joiners!

Wheniwasyourage Tue 11-Sep-12 18:16:17

Well done, you losers!!flowers Isn't it a great feeling when the weight comes off and you feel loose bits in your clothes? Not for me this week I'm afraid. Still 64.2kg, but I've checked the scales against the ones at work (health centre) and the home ones are over 2kg heavier (knew I didn't trust scales with batteries) so that's something. Doesn't help with the waistband tightness though... I can't do diets because I start thinking about food ALL the time so am trying to get back to running after a relatively inactive summer. In theory that should work, but we'll see hmm. Anyway, it's nice to know there are others out there with similar problems and to hear how you're all getting on. Good luck this week!

Sbagran Tue 11-Sep-12 19:21:53

wheniwasyourage I know how you feel about 'diets' Once something is forbidden it is more and more and more 'desperately needed' isn't it!!! hmm
Have you tried My Fitness Pal? You simply type in what you eat after - or most of the time in my case BEFORE you eat it.
I have my usual breakfast and small lunch then I think about what to have for dinner. I type in what I would like to have and it tells me whether that is ok or not. If it takes me over I substitute 'something' with 'something else'. Sounds more complicated than it is once you get used to it.
You can also 'reserve' some calories for a little treat for the evening. Personally I love my hot chocolate during the evening - you can buy boxes of Weightwatchers sachets in the 99p shop and I find they calm my urge for that little bit of chocolate and I sometimes have enough calories left for a biscuit!
Sorry for stating the obvious if you have tried MFP but it seems to be working for me and keeping me focussed - good luck! flowers

Anne58 Tue 11-Sep-12 19:30:10

Oh damn, weighed for the first time in ages, not good, about 9lbs over what I was 3 months or so ago. I do know where I have been going wrong, just so bloody hard to correct it.

glassortwo Tue 11-Sep-12 20:25:53

I forgot to get weighed last night so I have just been on and I am 1lb up sad never mind back to my routine this week kids all settled at school and I need to find and exercise class or swimming during the day.

grannyK just try to keep focused and it will start to move again.

rosie just try to be good when you can and try to be careful in what you order when you cant ... damage limitation smile

notso you have had your lovely holiday, I wish I had your dedication well done for getting straight back into it. grin

whenIwas I do the same when I think I am on a diet I crave things I dont normally eat, the way I tackled that was to join SW where you can eat anything so you dont feel deprived, but also the MFP is really helpful as you can juggle things to suit yourself as long as you stay within the boundaries.

phoenix you have had a hell of a few months so all your normal routines will have been out of the window. Its easy to see what has gone wrong its a different thing all together putting it right,so try taking one day at a time. Have you had a look at the MFP it can be a great tool and makes the whole job so much easier.

Notsogrand Tue 11-Sep-12 21:19:17

Just wanted to say I love this thread. smile

Grannylin Tue 11-Sep-12 21:30:58

Me too- but just to read!grin

Wheniwasyourage Wed 12-Sep-12 09:45:19

Thanks, Sba and glass. I'll have a look at My Fitness Pal.

GrannyK Wed 12-Sep-12 10:01:26

Wheniwasyourage- do go and have a look at MFP. I use it EXACTLY the way sbagran does and it has totally revolutionised my eating over the past fortnight. Best of luck

Movedalot Wed 12-Sep-12 10:54:14

I fully understand the cravings when things are forbidden but when we 'fall' we just have to get up and try again. I'm not into martyrdom so when we go out I have whatever I fancy on the menu and am 'good' when at home although I don't want as much now as I used to.

Another thing the choccie lovers might like to try as a treat is the philadelphia choc spread. You can get it in little pots with 86 calories per pot so you know exactly how naughty you are being. I had a really bad day yesterday so had that spread on a banana for lunch. I am one of those who eats when stressed so found it very diffficult but did manage when over eating last night to only over eat the 'good' things. I ended up eating 1348 calories so will try to cut back today to compensate.

Notsogrand Thu 13-Sep-12 16:34:16

Just wanted to come on here and thank glass and everyone else for the support over the past year or so. I've spent 4/5 hours today pruning, chopping, pulling, digging, lugging and shifting in the garden, all now out the front waiting to go to the tip. And guess what? I suddenly realised I'm not puffed out. I'm not sweating. I haven't had to take pain killers. I could easily carry on for another couple of hours. Hooray for being lighter! sunshine

Ella46 Thu 13-Sep-12 17:13:22

Well done*notso*, good for you! Now sit down and have a brew and a lage cupcake grin

Ella46 Thu 13-Sep-12 17:14:46

Ooops! that's not a lager, it's a large cupcake

Notsogrand Thu 13-Sep-12 18:00:05

Ella, your virtual cuppa and large cake was delicious, thank you. The real me had green tea and a rice cake. (Halo emoticon) smile Your cake was better though.