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Limericks 6

(1001 Posts)
lovebeigecardigans1955 Sun 03-Mar-19 09:52:04

Shall we start a new one?

This old quizzer wants to win big

crazyH Fri 28-Jun-19 00:30:36

The neighbours are out in the garden today
Cutting grass with the mower they bought on Ebay
But the blades are too blunt
So they took a punt

Jangran99 Fri 28-Jun-19 00:23:49

The neighbours are out in the garden today
Cutting grass with the mower they bought on Ebay
But the blades are too blunt

Jangran99 Fri 28-Jun-19 00:22:26

Didn't refresh!

The neighbours are out in the garden today

callgirl1 Fri 28-Jun-19 00:20:51

The neighbours are out in the garden today
Cutting grass with the mower they bought on Ebay

Jangran99 Fri 28-Jun-19 00:20:19

An old war veteran from Blighty
Began to feel just a little bit flighty
He strutted around
Making military sounds
And dreaming of an Aphrodite.

But goddesses in short supply

crazyH Fri 28-Jun-19 00:15:45

An old war veteran from Blighty
Began to feel just a little bit flighty
He strutted around
Making military sounds
Till a fair maiden came out in her nightie.

The neighbours are out in the garden today

callgirl1 Fri 28-Jun-19 00:08:03

An old war veteran from Blighty
Began to feel just a little bit flighty
He strutted around
Making military sounds

Bellanonna Thu 27-Jun-19 23:23:41

An old war veteran from Blighty
Began to feel just a bit flighty
He strutted around

FarNorth Thu 27-Jun-19 20:45:01

An old war veteran from Blighty
Began to feel just a bit flighty

Juliet27 Thu 27-Jun-19 19:44:36

In no time he felt a lot better
And he covered his shirt with a sweater
Alas, his tummy was too round
He felt tightly bound
And soon felt the need to unfetter

An old war veteran from Blighty

crazyH Thu 27-Jun-19 18:02:01

In no time he felt a lot better
And he covered his shirt with a sweater
Alas, his tummy was too round
He felt tightly bound

lovebeigecardigans1955 Thu 27-Jun-19 17:56:38

In no time he felt a lot better
And he covered his shirt with a sweater
Alas, his tummy was too round

2old4hotpants Thu 27-Jun-19 16:41:32

In no time, he felt a lot better
And he covered his shirt with a sweater

FarNorth Thu 27-Jun-19 15:47:13

He bought a snazzy Hawaiian shirt
So tight round his tum that it actually hurt
People stared, and they laughed
And they said "he's quite daft"
When they saw him completely inert.

In no time, he felt a lot better

2old4hotpants Thu 27-Jun-19 12:55:08

And they said "he's quite daft"

Bellanonna Thu 27-Jun-19 11:11:50

He bought a snazzy Hawaiian shirt
So tight round his tum that it actually hurt
People stared, and they laughed

henetha Thu 27-Jun-19 10:30:16

He bought a snazzy Hawaiian shirt
So tight round his tum that it actually hurt

lovebeigecardigans1955 Thu 27-Jun-19 08:50:51

Once on a holiday in Italy
The young and beautiful looked at him pityingly
Wearing socks with his sandals
He caught the eye of some vandals
He went public to highlight the scoundrels.

He bought a snazzy Hawaiian shirt

crazyH Wed 26-Jun-19 16:30:21

Once on a holiday in Italy
The young and beautiful looked at him pityingly
Wearing socks with his sandals
He caught the eye of some vandals

FarNorth Wed 26-Jun-19 16:23:00

Something went wrong there, libra10.

Once on a holiday in Italy
The young and beautiful looked at him pityingly
Wearing socks with his sandals

libra10 Wed 26-Jun-19 13:09:36

She was terribly embarrassed
when the ring she had cherished

lovebeigecardigans1955 Wed 26-Jun-19 13:04:03

Once on a holiday in Italy
The young and beautiful looked at him pityingly

trisher Wed 26-Jun-19 10:49:44

Walking out in his panama hat it rained
It's going to be ruined he loudly complained
So he covered it in plastic
Held by a band elastic
And was happy it never got stained.

Once on a holiday in Italy

Jangran99 Wed 26-Jun-19 09:48:29

Walking out in his panama hat it rained
It's going to be ruined he loudly complained
So he covered it in plastic
Held by a band elastic

trisher Wed 26-Jun-19 09:33:45

Walking out in his panama hat it rained
It's going to be ruined he loudly complained
So he covered it in plastic

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