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Limericks 8

(1001 Posts)
Juliet27 Fri 28-Jun-19 18:28:05

Starting 8 with the end of 7

The neighbours are out in the garden today
Cutting grass with the mower they bought on Ebay
But the blades are too blunt
So they took a punt
And let the lawn turn to hay.

45 degrees! I know I'd not cope

Amagran Sat 20-Jul-19 18:03:09

But I think I'll just go to the shops today
Then nip to the park to frolic and play
I'll try a game of hide and seek
Afterall I am a geek
Then I'll slink out of the park in complete disarray

Letting your hair down is good for the soul

Grannycool52 Sat 20-Jul-19 18:20:43

Letting your hair down is good for the soul look
It helps you feel happy and whole

Jangran99 Sat 20-Jul-19 20:20:24

Letting your hair down is good for the soul look
It helps you feel happy and whole
Let it all hang out

crazyH Sat 20-Jul-19 21:30:33

Letting your hair down is good for the soul look
It helps you feel happy and whole
Let it all hang out
If you have worn nowt

Jangran99 Sat 20-Jul-19 22:03:54

Letting your hair down is good for the soul
It helps you feel happy and whole
Let it all hang out
If you have worn nowt
Ensure there’s no one at the keyhole

We came back last night from our holiday

Bellanonna Sat 20-Jul-19 22:05:57

Letting your hair down is good for the soul look
It helps you feel happy and whole
Let it all hang out
If you have worn nowt
Miserable days can take their toll

Laughter’s the best medicine, so it’s said

Bellanonna Sat 20-Jul-19 22:07:04

Letting your hair down is good for the soul
It helps you feel happy and whole
Let it all hang out
If you have worn nowt
Ensure there’s no one at the keyhole

We came back last night from our holiday

Bellanonna Sat 20-Jul-19 22:08:46

We came back last night from our holiday
Lots of fun and time to make hay

callgirl1 Sat 20-Jul-19 22:45:11

We came back from our holiday today
Lots of fun and time to make hay
We ate and drank with gay abandon.

FarNorth Sun 21-Jul-19 09:28:30

We came back from our holiday today
Lots of fun and time to make hay
We ate and drank with gay abandon.
Each party night was sure a grand one

henetha Sun 21-Jul-19 10:47:43

We came back from our holiday today
Lots of fun and time to make hay
We ate and drank with gay abandon.
Each party night was sure a grand one
I'm longing for the next time we go away.

Two blokes called Jeremy and Boris

crazyH Sun 21-Jul-19 10:59:58

Two blokes called Jeremy and Boris
One quite dapper, the other like Taurus

Amagran Sun 21-Jul-19 11:40:58

Two blokes called Jeremy and Boris
One quite dapper, the other like Taurus
That applies to their minds

Jangran99 Sun 21-Jul-19 17:40:51

Two blokes called Jeremy and Boris
One quite dapper, the other like Taurus
That applies to their minds
As the contest unwinds

callgirl1 Sun 21-Jul-19 21:58:14

Two blokes called Jeremy and Boris
One quite dapper, the other like Taurus
That applies to their minds
As the contest unwinds
And they continue to exceedingly bore us.

callgirl1 Sun 21-Jul-19 22:12:21

Sorry, I forgot!

I was watching Wild Bill in Boston,

crazyH Sun 21-Jul-19 22:52:22

I was watching Wild Bill in Boston,
Pray tell me, is he quite rotten

callgirl1 Sun 21-Jul-19 23:28:30

I was watching Wild Bill in Boston
Pray tell me, is he quite rotten
He`s a bit of a hunk,

FarNorth Mon 22-Jul-19 01:13:25

I was watching Wild Bill in Boston
Pray tell me, is he quite rotten
He`s a bit of a hunk,
But his patter stunk

BradfordLass72 Mon 22-Jul-19 03:23:49

I was watching Wild Bill in Boston
Pray tell me, is he quite rotten
He`s a bit of a hunk,
But his patter stunk
It is something I think best forgotten

The photos of George are delightful

Elrel Mon 22-Jul-19 03:45:28

The photos of George are delightful
But his lack of choice could be frightful

Bellanonna Mon 22-Jul-19 09:20:47

The photos of George are delightful
But his lack of choice could be frightful
Well, his uncle’s OK

henetha Mon 22-Jul-19 10:13:55

The photos of George are delightful
But his lack of choice could be frightful
Well, his uncle’s OK
So while he can let him play

Elrel Mon 22-Jul-19 11:02:20

The photos of George are delightful
But his lack of choice could be frightful
Well, his uncle’s OK
So while he can let him play
And assume his royal role when rightful.

There once was an island named Britain

Bellanonna Mon 22-Jul-19 13:00:59

There once was an island named Britain
On whom many a history’s been written

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