Gransnet forums


Story, three words at a time

(1001 Posts)
LadyHonoriaDedlock Thu 27-Oct-22 21:13:10

It was a

Bellanonna Thu 01-Dec-22 21:17:44

Both looking flustered

Lomo123 Thu 01-Dec-22 23:38:59

And most annoyed

biglouis Fri 02-Dec-22 01:40:56

to find horses

MrsKen33 Fri 02-Dec-22 06:45:57

And several cows

SachaMac Fri 02-Dec-22 09:19:05

were fast asleep

VB000 Fri 02-Dec-22 09:21:19

but we knew

Aldom Fri 02-Dec-22 09:23:39

Aladin had a

biglouis Fri 02-Dec-22 09:36:09

magical brass lamp

henetha Fri 02-Dec-22 10:38:19

Which he rubbed

Mollygo Fri 02-Dec-22 12:05:42

With a duster

Lomo123 Fri 02-Dec-22 12:17:52

So hard that

Aldom Fri 02-Dec-22 13:53:21

A genie appeared

SachaMac Fri 02-Dec-22 16:42:38

towering above him

Mollygo Fri 02-Dec-22 16:46:16

A bemused expression

MrsKen33 Fri 02-Dec-22 19:45:35

On his face

Lomo123 Fri 02-Dec-22 23:41:57

Well I never

biglouis Sat 03-Dec-22 00:16:35

Aladdin cried out

Bellanonna Sat 03-Dec-22 09:55:58

So what now?

biglouis Sat 03-Dec-22 11:39:02

The genie smiled

MrsKen33 Sat 03-Dec-22 12:31:47

Whatever you want

SachaMac Sat 03-Dec-22 12:39:15

can be yours

hollysteers Sat 03-Dec-22 14:06:16

Space travel please

VB000 Sat 03-Dec-22 15:31:14

to the moon

Mollygo Sat 03-Dec-22 15:38:04

And back safely

LadyHonoriaDedlock Sat 03-Dec-22 15:56:02

to Kazakhstan where

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