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Beetroot consumption help please

(26 Posts)
infoman Tue 14-Jul-20 08:46:40

How much raw beetroot can you consume per day.
If we take that beetroot is a bit smaller than a tennis ball.
After removal of the skin,how much can you eat per day?
all of it,half, a quarter,an eighth.
Many thanks in advance

tanith Tue 14-Jul-20 09:04:16

I didn’t know there were limits to eating beetroot so I’ll watch this thread with interest as I eat quite a lot.

Ellianne Tue 14-Jul-20 09:08:41

I only know to go easy on cooked beetroot because it has lots of calories.
Raw, I just shred a small amount on top.

Gajahgran Tue 14-Jul-20 09:25:09

I don't know if there is any limit to beetroot consumption. I usually have a small one per day. It is supposed to lower blood pressure which is good for me. If you already had low blood pressure the amount you eat might be a consideration.

Too much beetroot makes your wee pink!

Illte Tue 14-Jul-20 09:25:36

It turns your poo red. Manys the time I've had a heart stopping moment, until I remembered?

Never thought there was a limit though.

TrendyNannie6 Tue 14-Jul-20 09:30:50

Didn’t realise there was a limit, I love beetroot, I do eat quite a bit when I have a salad. But never seen pink wee, so I must be doing ok

merlotgran Tue 14-Jul-20 09:36:43

I once gave myself a fright after going to the loo and seeing what I though were smears of blood on the toilet paper I was about to flush.

I'd been peeling cooked beetroot for a salad and although I'd washed my hands, you don't always get rid of all the staining. shock

Jane10 Tue 14-Jul-20 09:37:30

Forget the calories they are good healthy veg. Good roughage. I hate beetroot myself but wish I liked them as I know they're good for you.

Whitewavemark2 Tue 14-Jul-20 09:38:39

Love beetroot, especially the stuff you grow, lovely earthy sweet taste.

One if the super veg too I think.

25Avalon Tue 14-Jul-20 09:40:34

It can cause kidney stones in a few people if they eat too many but mostly they are supposed to be a ‘super food’ with lots of vitamins, lowering blood pressure and improving stamina and eyesight. My DH loves them and their juice. 1 to 2 a day are probably about right. Tbh idk how people can eat them anyway. I hate them ever since a bad experience as a child.

Callistemon Tue 14-Jul-20 09:40:45

Lovely roasted with red onions and garlic.

Do you grate them to eat raw, infoman?
I value what teeth I have left.

BlueSky Tue 14-Jul-20 10:22:34

I didn't know there was a limit, there's only so much you can eat anyway. Yes I do remember the first time I noticed my wee red and panicked!

TwiceAsNice Tue 14-Jul-20 10:26:32

I love beetroot. I eat it in salad most days usually I or 2 . I didn’t know you should be wary about how much you eat. I have had pink wee sometimes but knew why

merlotgran Tue 14-Jul-20 13:15:22

Cooked beetroot, sliced in half, topped with goats cheese then popped under the grill until the cheese melts.

Then just drizzle a little chilli sauce over the top.


annsixty Tue 14-Jul-20 13:26:34

I love beetroot and a cheese sandwich on seeded bread, topped with pickled beetroot is a lunch for the gods.

MissAdventure Tue 14-Jul-20 14:23:50

Oh yes!
Freshly boiled beetroot with salt on, mature cheese, granary bread. smile

travelsafar Wed 15-Jul-20 09:46:27

I can make a meal from my garden with beets, runner beans and potatoes. So many carbs in a meal like this, you don't need anything else. All organic and very filling. One of things i love about growing my own veg. Just wish i had somewhere to store potatoes and beetroots then i could grow more. It is my summer treat every year. smile

WOODMOUSE49 Wed 15-Jul-20 12:00:57

Raw is a good way to eat them. However, retain the good-for-you nutrients in beetroots by roasting them or sautéing them instead.

I grow a lot. Just found a new recipe for roasted beets and feta cheese. Make beetroot cake - quite often. Pickled some the other day, Just have to watch out for a change in colour when you visit the loo!

I thought I had better find out more about the sugar in beets.
Went to a Diabetes website: in human studies, beets lowered inflammatory markers, which may mean a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer disease. In addition, people in one study who drank roughly a pint of beet juice every day significantly lowered their blood pressure. It’s also a misconception that people with diabetes can’t eat beets because they’re too high in sugar. For one thing, people with diabetes can eat any food, and for another, beets really don’t contain all that much carbohydrate.

So, I'll carry on eating lots and lots of beetroot.

lemongrove Wed 15-Jul-20 12:14:48


I love beetroot and a cheese sandwich on seeded bread, topped with pickled beetroot is a lunch for the gods.

It certainly is ?

Toadinthehole Wed 15-Jul-20 17:08:12

I love beetroot, usually cook it myself. Never had it raw though, is it just as tasty that way?

Missfoodlove Wed 15-Jul-20 18:49:09

Just made beetroot and potato rosti.
I will eat all we grow over the next few weeks.

Grandmafrench Wed 15-Jul-20 18:53:05


It can cause kidney stones in a few people if they eat too many but mostly they are supposed to be a ‘super food’ with lots of vitamins, lowering blood pressure and improving stamina and eyesight. My DH loves them and their juice. 1 to 2 a day are probably about right. Tbh idk how people can eat them anyway. I hate them ever since a bad experience as a child.

It's delicious but I eat only very rarely for that reason - my Kidney Man put it on the list of what not to eat

infoman Wed 15-Jul-20 19:11:10

Thanks for all your replys.
Two more questions: fresh raw beetroot how long does it keep,
and can beetroot be stored in the fridge?

Callistemon Thu 16-Jul-20 14:46:17

I have found that fresh raw beetroot from the supermarket seems to last longer than homegrown beetroot - so I wonder what they do to make it last longer?

We're having roasted beetroot tonight. They need to be peeled first so I'll wear gloves, otherwise I'll have very pink hands.

Callistemon Thu 16-Jul-20 14:48:11

Stored in the fridge - I suppose so but I've heard you shouldn't store potatoes (another starchy vegetable) in the fridge.
However, we do, otherwise potatoes start to sprout.