Gransnet forums


History of the Area

(1 Post)
AnnB Fri 24-May-13 13:53:43

I was lucky enough to go on the Hartshill Heritage Trail on 18th May, led by a student from Staffordshire University and publicised on this website. It was so interesting. It turns out Hartshill was totally owned by Spode and Minton at one time, and the entrance to Princes Road from the main Hartshill Road was at one time the lodge to the manor house and grounds. Some of those trees at the edge of the hospital grounds date from that time and so do some of those in the Hartshill Cemetery on Queen's Road.
The Rosemary Ednam blue railings have been there since the days of the old orthopaedic hospital (which was behind those railings after Herbert Minton gave up his estate there). Rosemary Ednam was the first director of that hospital.
The Noah's Ark pub is the oldest building (mid 18th Century) in Hartshill and was half way between Stoke and Newcastle. There were stables to the right (facing the pub) and people would pull up tether their horses and stop for refreshment on the journey.
There is a map of the Heritage Trail with information and it is a great walk so I can give anyone a link to this if you are interested. In the meantime can anyone let us know about other historical goodies in North Staffordshire either in terms of events or walks or places to visit, that you enjoy.