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Just been watching one of these on my cinerarias!

(7 Posts)
shysal Sat 01-Jun-19 14:57:59

The hummingbird hawk moths sometimes feed on my Buddleia.
I once found an elephant hawk moth on a Willow Herb poking through my patio, which I transferred to a larger clump in the field. It was impressive.
Does anyone living or holidaying in the West Country ever see the 2-3 inch giant grasshoppers? As a child, staying in Cornwall, I found them fascinating as well as scary. My brother kept them in jars for a while then tried to let them loose down my neck!

phoenix Sat 01-Jun-19 14:05:39

"Bark off that it was on"

Damn auto correct!

phoenix Sat 01-Jun-19 13:51:49

My beloved late stepfather found an elephant hawk moth caterpillar pupating on a tree trunk, carefully lifted the back of was on and put it in a large jar (with air holes) so that DS2 could see it when it eventually emerged, lovely memories!

EllanVannin Sat 01-Jun-19 13:30:45

I remember as a kid watching an elephant hawk moth emerge from its chrysalis. They're found on the Rose-bay willow herb plant------magnificent moths.

I watched Cicada's hatching too on mulberry bushes in Australia and collected their " shells " to scare now the ex SiL
--------------quite the voyeur !

phoenix Sat 01-Jun-19 13:18:13

My first sighting too, Callistemon there were loads of bees buzzing around various plants too, lovely to see!

Callistemon Sat 01-Jun-19 12:54:39

How exciting - lucky you!

We have noticed that we have more bees this year than last which is, I hope, an encouraging sign although not many butterflies or moths are in evidence.

I've never seen a hummingbird hawkmoth

phoenix Sat 01-Jun-19 12:51:23