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Non Grandmothers on GN - Attitudes about Motherhood and Grandmotherhood

(102 Posts)
FannyCornforth Sat 13-Mar-21 11:03:55

Hello Everyone

I am currently at risk of high jacking another completely unrelated thread, so have started this one as I really want to discuss and understand this.

(Just to be clear though, please, this isn't a thread about a thread, rather one a thread prompted by a thread.)

It has come to my attention that some members of Gransnet do not believe that people who are not Grandparents should be on here.

I honestly cannot get my head around this attitude and understand the thinking behind it.

If we had a Feminism board I think that I would have posted this there.

Does it raise further questions about how women feel about other women?
Is it bigotry? Judgemental? Superiority?
Can anyone explain please?

Thank you thanks

(I've just realised that it's quite apt to discuss this today, the eve of Mothers' Day.
And apologies if this has been discussed before, I haven't seen a similar thread though)

Blossoming Sun 14-Mar-21 15:43:49

“senior women (senior not by age as such but senior in our progression through the various roles we play and have played)” is a bit of a mouthful, tbh. I’d sooner stick with Gransnet,