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100 Kilo Kids.

(19 Posts)
Calendargirl Thu 05-Mar-20 11:49:55

Watched this programme last night. It focused on very overweight children being ‘treated’ if that’s the right word, at a specialist unit in a Bristol Hospital. It used not just consultants, but psychologists, social workers and nurses, all geared to helping the kids, and more importantly, the families, to develop better eating and exercise regimes, to avoid huge health problems in the future. One young teenage lad was already suffering hip issues and had to have an operation.
The three children they focused on had either their mothers or grandmother with them, no sign of any dads, which seemed sad,
Hopefully by the end they all seemed to be making some progress.
One five year old girl was identified with a faulty gene, causing her to be constantly hungry, and when older, medication could be given to help sort it.

ninathenana Thu 05-Mar-20 12:08:49

I didn't watch the programme.

Did the girl have Prader Willi Syndrome ?
DH's nephew had that, he sadly died in his teens.

rosenoir Thu 05-Mar-20 12:26:05

I did wonder why that test for the faulty gene is not done at the first appointment, really feel for those that are hungry all the time.

Somebody needs to spell it out to the parents that it is their responsibility to oversee their childs food intake. The childs health should come before the parents need to see the child happy for the brief time they are eating something inappropriate.

Calendargirl Thu 05-Mar-20 12:52:47

I didn’t catch the name of the faulty gene, sorry, but could well have been that.
The other children didn’t seem to be constantly hungry, but one boy, 14, was the heaviest child who had attended the clinic I think, but can’t recall his weight. He had chronic fatigue syndrome also, didn’t attend much school because of that, seemed to spend a lot of time laying on his bed eating crisps, chocs, yogurts and playing games. He went into hospital for supervision, not keen on the food, didn’t eat much, Mum brought in calorie controlled ready meals as she didn’t want him to be hungry. She also didn’t approve of the exercise regime which involved walking up the corridor, because of his CFS. Mum seemed to find it difficult to hand over any control to the hospital, but then was not happy if things weren’t improving.
He went home after a week, lost a kilo or two at next checkup which they were all thrilled about. Hope it continued.

LadyGracie Thu 05-Mar-20 13:06:39

They didn’t mention the name of the faulty gene unfortunately. The 14 year old boy was 23 stone went he went into hospital, his mother was not happy about his treatment, I didn’t think he seemed to mind. However he went home with the weight loss ‘regime’ and with his mother’s help had lost one and a half stone when he went back for a check up after 5 weeks.

Calendargirl Thu 05-Mar-20 15:35:31


Oh, thanks for that update,I thought he was 23 stones at the start, but must have confused the one and a half stone loss with kilos at the check up. No wonder they were so pleased. Didn’t realise 5 weeks had passed either, thought it was only a week. Must pay better attention!

LadyGracie Thu 05-Mar-20 16:47:40

Calendargirl I found the programme confusing because they were using stones and kgs.

I found it fascinating, it really opened my eyes.

BlueBelle Thu 05-Mar-20 18:27:30

Unfortunately I thought it was the mother who had a huge problem with the young boy and she was his problem too

travelsafar Fri 06-Mar-20 07:19:51

The young boy who broke down and sobbed broke my heart, i really felt for him. He is obviously comfort eating for his missing dad. Hope his dad saw the program sad

M0nica Fri 06-Mar-20 07:47:48

I did not see this programme, but I have seen several American programmes on this subject.

As in this programme I noticed the absence of fathers, but also the direct relationship in the mothers mind, between feeding a child and loving it. They seemed unable to cope with their child ever showing any negative feeling towards them, so every time they do so they give them food. Yet at the same time they are oblivious to the damage the excess weight is doing.

Although it has just occurred to me, that a very overweight child is immobile and entirely under the mother's control as if they were still a baby.

Teetime Fri 06-Mar-20 08:36:44

I saw some of this programme and it was just so sad. The young people were miserable. I'm glad there is s specialist unit for them but of course only a very few can go there and more centres are needed. Poor kids I just wanted to give them all a hug.

Gaunt47 Fri 06-Mar-20 08:43:15

M0nica You've put your finger on it, it's about control. I didn't see the programme but I hope the mums harming their children in that way are getting counselling.

Maggiemaybe Fri 06-Mar-20 08:52:27

I didn’t watch this, but did once catch part of a similar American programme. I thought it was very exploitative. The poor children featured had enough problems in their lives without being paraded in front of a viewing public for entertainment. I hope this programme was more responsible.

M0nica Fri 06-Mar-20 09:00:04

Gaunt I think it is about fear of losing the child, who may be the only person in their life who loves them, rather than rigid control. It gives a new meaning to the phrase 'killing with kindness'.

Luckygirl Fri 06-Mar-20 09:02:36

"100 Kilo Kids" - what a silly title.

Luckygirl Fri 06-Mar-20 09:02:57

I meant for the programme - not for your thread OP!!

Hetty58 Fri 06-Mar-20 09:06:54

My daughter's friend was always very overweight - and constantly eating. I remember her habitually diving into my fridge for a snack after school.

Once, she said it was really funny how we had all those vegetables in the drawer. At her house it was the chocolate drawer!

When she left home to live and work abroad, the weight just fell off. Her single mother was a 'feeder'.

ninathenana Fri 06-Mar-20 09:22:23

I was always "that chubby kid" who grew into a size 18 adult.
Mum had been a size 22 waist until she had children. Dad and brother were very slim and fit. We all ate the same cooked from scratch meals and mum and dad couldn't afford to buy many treats. I was very active as a child always playing out, cycling, skipping, swimming etc.
Puzzles me why I couldn't be like them.

M0nica Fri 06-Mar-20 12:19:37

nina your story reflects my DD's. Photos of her at under a year show her big round tummy. She was breast fed and I followed all the rules. I had a lovely health visitor, who knew me and our eating pattern and was at a loss as to why she was so plump.

We think it is hereditary. On one side of DH 's family there is a pattern of people like her, roughly one in every generation; a great grandmother, great uncle, a cousin then her.

She is, and always has been, very active and has the smallest appetite in the family. I worried about bullying when she went to secondary school. When I asked her about it, she said, no bullying, just people saying 'You never go the tuck shop. eat very little lunch and spend every lunch hour playing tennis (with a county class player) or swimming. Why are you so fat?. Her answer always was. 'I have no idea'

She is now in her late 40s, no health problems of any kind, apart from her weight. She still swims, 5 or more miles a week, and walks everywhere, Ironically it is her brother, who does not have weight problems and also has a healthy lifestyle who has high blood pressure and incipient Type 2 diabetes, just like his father.