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Gransnet's Inheritance Tax survey - the data

1. Before today, were you aware of the rules of Inheritance Tax?

No. of cases 989
Yes, I'm well aware of the Inheritance Tax rules 42%
I'm aware of Inheritance Tax but was not sure of the details 54%
No 4%
Skipped 0%

2. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?

Inheritance Tax is plain wrong and should be abolished
Agree 42%
Disagree 40%
Strongly agree 24%
Somewhat agree 18%
Neither agree nor disagree 14%
Somewhat disagree 18%
Strongly disagree 22%
Don't know/not sure 3%


The Government should change Inheritance Tax so that it's taken only from estates with a value over £1 million
Agree 55%
Disagree 29%
Strongly agree 27%
Somewhat agree 28%
Neither agree nor disagree 14%
Somewhat disagree 15%
Strongly disagree 13%
Don't know/not sure 2%


The Government should change Inheritance Tax so that it's taken only from estates with a value over £1.5 million
Agree 51%
Disagree 32%
Strongly agree 23%
Somewhat agree 28%
Neither agree nor disagree 14%
Somewhat disagree 17%
Strongly disagree 15%
Don't know/not sure 2%


The Government should change Inheritance Tax so that it's taken only from estates with a value over £2 million
Agree 49%
Disagree 37%
Strongly agree 28%
Somewhat agree 22%
Neither agree nor disagree 11%
Somewhat disagree 18%
Strongly disagree 19%
Don't know/not sure 3%


The housing price boom means that too many people are brought into the Inheritance Tax bracket
Agree 78%
Disagree 12%
Strongly agree 47%
Somewhat agree 32%
Neither agree nor disagree 8%
Somewhat disagree 7%
Strongly disagree 5%
Don't know/not sure 2%


The Government should change Inheritance Tax so that more is taken from less rich estates than under the present rules (i.e. the Inheritance Tax threshold should be reduced)
Agree 13%
Disagree 74%
Strongly agree 9%
Somewhat agree 5%
Neither agree nor disagree 8%
Somewhat disagree 14%
Strongly disagree 60%
Don't know/not sure 5%


Inheritance Tax is an important mechanism for reducing inequality across society, and in principal I agree with it
Agree 32%
Disagree 49%
Strongly agree 11%
Somewhat agree 21%
Neither agree nor disagree 15%
Somewhat disagree 18%
Strongly disagree 32%
Don't know/not sure 4%


3. And when it comes to the principle of people leaving their estates to their children, which of the following statements comes closest to your view?

People work hard to build up assets and wealth; passing that on to your children is a human impulse and the Government should stay out of it as much as possible 58%
It's understandable to want to pass on something to your children, but the Government is entitled to take a cut too, particularly from richer estates 35%
Inheritance Tax should be increased dramatically; passing wealth and assets from generation to generation makes inequality worse, and younger generations of rich families should have to make their own way in the world without inheriting big sums 4%
None of these/skipped 3%


4. Have you ever discussed Inheritance Tax with: (If you don't have an estate to be inherited and have neber discussed Inheritance Tax, please select 'no')

Your partner? 76%
Your friends? 55%
Your children? 49%
Your parents? 46%
A finance professional? 44%
Other potential beneficiaries? 11%


5. What's your opinion on people planning their finances to minimise the impact of Inheritance Tax?

I think it’s sensible and entirely justified - nobody should feel bad about it 41%
I think it's understandable - nobody likes paying more tax than they have to 41%
I think it's a bit socially irresponsible and selfish 11%
I think it's morally wrong and unjustifiable 4%
Other 2%
I don't have an opinion on it 2%


6. In general, do you think Inheritance Tax planning is...

A taboo topic 24%
Openly discussed 41%
Don't know/skipped 36%


7. To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements?

The notion of Inheritance Tax
Agree 19%
Disagree 58%
Strongly agree 4%
Somewhat agree 15%
Neither agree nor disagree 22%
Somewhat disagree 19%
Strongly disagree 39%
Don't know/not sure/skipped 2%
Wanting to leave something in my will
Agree 29%
Disagree 53%
Strongly agree 7%
Somewhat agree 22%
Neither agree nor disagree 17%
Somewhat disagree 19%
Strongly disagree 34%
Don't know/not sure/skipped 1%


8. Before today, were you aware of the 7 year rule?

Yes, I was aware of the 7 year rule 68%
I'm aware the rule exists but was not sure of the details 22%
No 10%
Skipped 0%


9. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?

I never think about Inheritance Tax because I know my finances don't meet the £325K threshold
Agree 31%
Disagree 52%
Strongly agree 17%
Somewhat agree 14%
Neither agree nor disagree 15%
Somewhat disagree 19%
Strongly disagree 33%
Don't know/not sure 3%

I worry about what will happen to my finances once I've passed away
Agree 30%
Disagree 47%
Strongly agree 11%
Somewhat agree 20%
Neither agree nor disagree 22%
Somewhat disagree 21%
Strongly disagree 26%
Don't know/not sure 1%

I intend to spend all my money before I die
Agree 15%
Disagree 64%
Strongly agree 4%
Somewhat agree 11%
Neither agree nor disagree 19%
Somewhat disagree 31%
Strongly disagree 33%
Don't know/not sure 2%

I owe it to my family to leave my financial affairs in good order
Agree 93%
Disagree 2%
Strongly agree 64%
Somewhat agree 29%
Neither agree nor disagree 4%
Somewhat disagree 1%
Strongly disagree 1%
Don't know/not sure 1%

I am actively spending, donating and gifting my money with the £325K tax threshold in mind
Agree 13%
Disagree 63%
Strongly agree 4%
Somewhat agree 9%
Neither agree nor disagree 21%
Somewhat disagree 17%
Strongly disagree 46%
Don't know/not sure 2%

I want my descendants to benefit from the money I have earned
Agree 84%
Disagree 6%
Strongly agree 56%
Somewhat agree 29%
Neither agree nor disagree 9%
Somewhat disagree 3%
Strongly disagree 3%
Don't know/not sure 1%

I consider Inheritance Tax to be a form of double taxation
Agree 73%
Disagree 18%
Strongly agree 45%
Somewhat agree 28%
Neither agree nor disagree 8%
Somewhat disagree 9%
Strongly disagree 8%
Don't know/not sure 1%


10. Have you ever done (or do you plan to do) any of the following to monimise the impact of Inheritance Tax on your family, after your death?

Given financial gifts to family members with the intention of benefitting from the 7 year rule 27%
Transferred assets into your child/children's name 20%
Actively spent your money now 18%
Set up trust funds 16%
Made donations to charity 12%
Bought property for family members 10%
N/A/doesn't apply to me/skipped 16%
None of these 39%


11. Do you have a will?

Yes 71%
No, but plan to make one 26%
No, and have no plans to make one 4%
Skipped 0%



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Images: Shutterstock