Chicken tonnata recipe

Chicken tonnata recipe from greenfordgran

nut free can make in advance
Category Chicken and poultry recipes
Serves4-6 depending on how large are the appetites.!
Prep time20-30 mins mins
Cook time35mins mins

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


4 chicken breasts cooked & diced (about half to one inch pieces)
200g (7oz) can tuna
Half pint mayo
2 cloves garlic
A few drops of tabasco or a few dried chillies
1-2 tbsp of capers
Juice of 1 lemon & black pepper to taste

Handy Hint

Serve with lots of fresh salad leaves & lovely crusty bread.


1. Liquidize all the sauce ingredients until smooth (or beat with a fork to save on the washing up !!)
2. Coat chicken evenly & chill.

gransnetter Reviews

From: greenfordgran on Wed 20-Jul-11 18:38:51 Overall rating: 0.0
This is a great dish for a summer lunch or buffet party as it can be made in advance it is very convenient.