Fat free plum loaf recipe

Fat free plum loaf recipe from Woody

kids can help ok to freeze vegetarian low fat
Category Cakes and biscuits recipes
ServesNot stated
Prep time10 mins
Cook time1 hours

gransnetter ratings

Ease of finding ingredients n/a
Ease of cookingn/a
Success with kidsn/a
Success with adultsn/a
Overall Markn/a


1 egg
100ml (3 1/2 fl oz) honey
1 tsp vanilla
200g (7oz) caster sugar
225g (8oz) plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
255g (9oz) plums (or other fruit in season) chopped
125g (4 1/2 oz) chopped nuts


1. Whisk egg, honey, vanilla and sugar together until light and fluffy.
2. Sift flour, baking powder and cinnamon.
3. Fold flour mixture into egg mixture. Add fruit and nuts
4. Bake at 180C in a 2lb loaf tin for one hour.

gransnetter Reviews

From: Woody on Sat 17-Sep-11 14:21:42 Overall rating: 0.0