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To think World Book Day needs a rethink.

(113 Posts)
trisher Sun 18-Feb-18 16:33:00

World Book Day on March 1st is supposed to be a celebration
World Book Day is a celebration! It’s a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) it’s a celebration of reading. In fact, it’s the biggest celebration of its kind, designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and marked in over 100 countries all over the world
But I think it's lost its way. My local supermarket is full of dressing up costumes. Would it be very remiss of me to suggest that instead of buying one of these parents would be better off giving the school money to buy new books.
I did used to love the day when we just cobbled costumes together. I was once Miss Trumbull from Matilda and far from scaring the childen they shouted for me to "Be her again" when I tried to step out of role!

trisher Mon 04-Mar-19 11:31:26

Just realised it's not until March 7th this year. And the next day is Red Nose day. Somebody needs to free our children from these constant financial demands.

BlueSapphire Mon 04-Mar-19 07:38:35

Used to hate it when my DC were little as I could never think of anything. And then when I was back teaching I found the teachers were supposed to dress up as well! Luckily each year group of teachers used to do a theme, so it was a joint project.

jacq10 Sat 02-Mar-19 21:21:37

When DGS was younger I always managed to sort out a costume for WBD for him but last year things changed and they were told if they wanted to dress up (which was optional) they could wear their favourite pyjamas. They also are asked to take a book to swop and they also get a token which can be exchanged in town for a new book. They are having some storytellers as well as character catwalk and they also have a Book Quiz for the older children. All-in-all it sounds like a good day

NanKate Sat 02-Mar-19 20:26:16

Well done to him Anja.

Jalima1108 Sat 02-Mar-19 20:24:51

I think Y6 are getting beyond 'dressing up'
But they do seem to love having the tokens and choosing the books!

Anja Sat 02-Mar-19 20:23:14

Yes ‘on’ ...the ‘i’ is next to the ‘o’ on the qwerty Keyboard.

Anja Sat 02-Mar-19 20:22:13

Not actually sewing it NanKate but collecting, begging, borrowing (though hopefully not stealing) bit and bobs to cobble it together.

Jalima1108 Sat 02-Mar-19 20:18:06

X post - I think he may have been working on his costume!!

Jalima1108 Sat 02-Mar-19 20:16:55

Yes - I agree - respect!!

NanKate Sat 02-Mar-19 20:16:54

I thought Anja you meant working on his costume not working in his costume, my error. I bet he looks great anyway.

NanKate Sat 02-Mar-19 20:15:17

Anja is your GS making his own costume - respect ?

Jalima1108 Sat 02-Mar-19 20:09:35

I don't suppose your DGS is at the same school - I'm sure 7 year old DGD is looking forward to it.
It's just Y6 who are suffering from ennui!

Anja Sat 02-Mar-19 20:08:15

Oh dear! My 8-year old GS really looks forward to World Book Day and has been working in his costume during half term.

NanKate Sat 02-Mar-19 20:06:54

Absolutely Mary. Barrington Stoke are great publishers to work for. My DS meets up with them when he is appearing at the Edinburgh Festival.

Jalima1108 Sat 02-Mar-19 19:54:48

Unless it is a primary pupil rebellion!

Jalima1108 Sat 02-Mar-19 19:54:30

DGD said - 'everyone's going as Harry Potter' grin

I think inertia has set in

Marydoll Sat 02-Mar-19 19:19:01

I used Barrington Stokes books when I was teaching, NanKate
Something else we have in common! grin

NanKate Sat 02-Mar-19 19:12:21

Elrel yes we are pretty familiar with Tom Palmer’s work which my two grandsons love.

My own son has written for WBD. As well as writing for mainstream readers, both boys and girls, he writes for Barrington Stoke who publish books for reluctant and dyslexic readers. Perhaps you are familiar with BS ?

Maggiemaybe Sat 02-Mar-19 18:43:22

is now, not is not!

Maggiemaybe Sat 02-Mar-19 18:42:45

Apparently my DGS1 is not into the Harry Potter books and has asked if he can go as the Golden Snitch. His mum is gamely working on an outfit....

trisher Sat 02-Mar-19 18:35:33

I am feeling a little more positive about this, I think there was much less publicity and some schools took no notice. Couldn't help noticing there were a lot of left over costumes in my local supermarket!

Elrel Sat 02-Mar-19 18:25:01

Jalima - yes, the series includes suitable for girls too. He started to write to specifically provide books to fill the gap for boys around 10 but has extended his range.

Jalima1108 Sat 02-Mar-19 16:16:56

what about girls - are the books written for boys specifically?
My DGD loves football

Elrel Sat 02-Mar-19 16:13:55

Oops my omission , Tom Palmer's 48 titles include some for pupils as young as 7.

Elrel Sat 02-Mar-19 16:09:26

NanKate - Tom Palmer deserves to be so much better known. He originally wrote to fill the gap in suitable fiction books for pupils (especially boys) in Years 5, 6 and above who were not fluent readers but needed themes which would hold their interest. His books are well worth considering for any child who doesn't find reading easy at the top of primary school and later. Some are designed specifically for children with dyslexia so are printed on off-white paper.
He's really worth checking out, and not just because he enables children to wear their football kit on WBD!!