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DH constantly clearing his throat AIBU

(97 Posts)
CanOnlyTry Sun 28-Jul-19 20:18:33

I've tried my very best to put up with DHs habit but whenever I mention it, he gets really annoyed and says "what am I supposed to do!!" trouble is that he won't listen when I suggest that maybe he has a dairy allergy or maybe he needs to see our GP. He's been clearing his throat all afternoon and evening today and when I commented "Oh dear" and mentioned this, he got annoyed again and has taken himself off to the bedroom and angrily closed the door shut. What can I do? other than permanently wearing earplugs that is? Truth is he takes offense so easily about any 'perceived' criticism - is got to the point when I feel as if I'm treading on eggshells and monitor what I can and cannot say. This afternoon/evening became just too much though. AIBU???

annep1 Wed 31-Jul-19 09:16:24

GabriellaG54 ?

Hetty58 Wed 31-Jul-19 09:05:09

Me too Gabriella! melp1, I actually recorded my (part-time) lodger's loud, interrupted snoring and insisted that he see the doctor (or find somewhere else to stay). He was referred to a sleep clinic and wore a monitor overnight.

It turned out that he has two different types of sleep apnea (very dangerous) and he has to use a CPAP machine!

GabriellaG54 Tue 30-Jul-19 23:18:20

Oh boy! Am I glad to be single.

melp1 Tue 30-Jul-19 20:19:53

Haha thebeeb - I have one too -sniffs and clears his throat constantly when we're out - always know where he is -have noticed that he can stop when other people around - so think its a habit it can get really annoying. He is also a terrible snorer. Just looses his temper if I mention it, but I know his sons find it very annoying. Agree with Hetty58 one day I might just flip and swat him.

Treebee Tue 30-Jul-19 19:37:58

My husband did the constant throat clearing too, but after some encouragement from me he talked to the gp about it. Like others suggested here, it was reflux and tablets cured it. Best to get it checked out. Good luck!

Mossfarr Tue 30-Jul-19 19:14:31

My husband does this, (he's doing it right now) and like you Labaik, I have sat and counted. Thirty five coughs in one minute is the record so far! Really really annoying when I am trying to have a rest or a lie-in.

He also snores terrifically loudly too. I now refuse to sleep in the same room as him as I was permanently exhausted by being constantly woken up by the racket he makes.

I try to ignore it because he absolutely bites my head off when I point it out. He also refuses point blank to do anything about it.

I think its Allergic Rhinitis (a friend suffers the same symptoms) so probably treatable which makes it all the more annoying.

jeanie99 Tue 30-Jul-19 18:40:58

If he started doing it years ago it could be a tic or a sign of a medical condition.
He should contact a GP.

phoenix Tue 30-Jul-19 17:12:37

DanniRae your post of yesterday 9.07 reminded me of a story my mother told about a family friend they had years ago.

Every time he coughed, the dog would run out of the room. It became a bit of a party piece, they would say "Cough Bob!" Bob would cough, the dog would run out, but she never did it when anyone else coughed.

Turned out he had TB sad

jacalpad Tue 30-Jul-19 16:28:29

I have had this problem on two occasions in my adult life. The first time it was cured by changing my blood pressure tablets - apparently clearing the throat was a known side effect of the brand I was on.

On the second occasion it was caused by acid reflux. I have taken prescribed Omeprozole tablets ever since, and have been cured!

Lovetopaint037 Tue 30-Jul-19 10:12:35

I had this problem for over two years. Felt as if there was a sack of something down there.Went to the hospital but they couldn’t find anything wrong.
Then going through the menopause I decided to change to Alpro soya milk, long life,the orange one that contains no sugar and only added vitamins and calcium. After a couple of weeks I stopped clearing my throat. Racked my brains as to why after all that time that dreadful problem appeared to have disappeared. Only change was the soya milk. I have been using it ever since. My family were all afraid to say anything for a week or two, and so was I, in case it returned.

4allweknow Tue 30-Jul-19 09:07:48

My, are you listening to what goes on in my house! The constant throat clearing is maddening. I also have to deal with coughing/choking every time he eats. I have tried to get him to take smaller mouthfuls of food in an effort to stop this but no, like you I am just nagging for nagging sake!

Bordersgirl57 Tue 30-Jul-19 07:17:03

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Menopaws Tue 30-Jul-19 00:39:40

Does he drink wine? My allergy to sulphites in wine cause me to cough the next day

BradfordLass72 Mon 29-Jul-19 23:17:22

lemongrove is there an effective spray for post-nasal drip and excessive phelgm?
I've tried Flixonase and it works for a few moments only. And tastes horrible.

BTW it's not sleep apnea as some have suggested, you cannot cough away and spit out sleep apnea. grin

Helen1950 Mon 29-Jul-19 22:22:54

Make an appointment for him with his dr,better to safe than sorry ,

Jani31 Mon 29-Jul-19 21:45:41

My DH had a little hole in each tonsil and drove me mad with constant clearing of white muck going down his throat. He had his tonsils out and it was wonderful ?

Cobweb01 Mon 29-Jul-19 21:43:32

As someone else has said, it could be silent reflux. I have just been diagnosed with this after years of having to clear excess mucus from my throat - embarressing and annoying. It can also leave a sore throat. I have never suffered from indigestion or heartburn and apparently, the fact my body makes excess mucus to push the acid back down is the reason why, but the mucus has to go somewhere! Disgusting I know. There are ways of dealing with it, as I am just finding out, so he needs to see his GP to get this checked out - if it is this, it won't go away on its own. Hope you get it sorted.

Merryweather Mon 29-Jul-19 20:13:26

Mine just interrupts what I'm reading to read out something he has found amusing or interesting. It's usually something from Twitter or news related. It is so irritating, especially if I am also reading.

Re the throat clearing, I personally would try to get a GP appointment or at least a phone consultation. There are too many possibilities of things it could be, some easily treated, some not so. He might be grumpy about it because he's aware of what it is and by not going doesn't have to face facts that something is wrong. Men hey!!

grannygranby Mon 29-Jul-19 20:09:39

I had this a few months ago it was like I couldn’t clear my throat. I made the most frightful noises in my own company and thanked (whoever) there was no one who had to put up with it. It did sometimes happen when I was with my daughter and she thought it very strange. Went to gp he didn’t help. But it has actually gone away. But I don’t know came or went. It was a horrible feeling. Imagine your normal reflex of throat clearing suddenly didn’t work but there was something at the top of your airway and really hard to clear and yet it didn’t cause a cough reflex. Perhaps it was some kind of allergen. But the main point is- be sympathetic , he is not doing it to annoy you. I found some liquorice pellets from the chemist helped a bit.

Saggi Mon 29-Jul-19 18:12:11

I find myself clearing my throat a lot doc says it’s all part of my on-going sinus problem which has gone on for 15 weeks now...still awaiting an ENT app. So it might not just be habit...I even annoy myself!!

CanOnlyTry Mon 29-Jul-19 17:39:32

Oh Flowerofthewest you really made me ???

Flowerofthewest Mon 29-Jul-19 17:27:22

My DH used to sniff twice before he ate biscuits, snacks etc. Drove me nuts. My stepson used to clear his throat every few seconds. It was like an orchestra warming up when they were together.

Bakingmad0203 Mon 29-Jul-19 17:20:51

My DH does it all the time. It’s so irritating, especially at night when I’m trying to get to sleep. I too have timed him and he does it every 10 seconds!
He has had it diagnosed as nasal drip. He has tried various cough medicines including one for excess mucus but nothing seems to work. Some days are worse than others, especially if he has been shouting at the television!
Strepsils - the red packet- are the only things that temporarily relieve it, but they are expensive
to keep buying. He is consuming 4 packets a month.

He too gets very annoyed when I point out that it can’t be doing his throat any good.

Granarchist Mon 29-Jul-19 17:20:45

sorry Jane10

Granarchist Mon 29-Jul-19 17:18:18

"Jane10" that was exactly what happened to me - Ramapril was causing a permanent cough - changed to Losartin - no further problems.