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So cute

(7 Posts)
annodomini Thu 24-Apr-14 10:16:11

Wouldn't you just want to cuddle these babies? Not sure about the humans though!

ffinnochio Thu 24-Apr-14 10:24:04

The little pandas are delightful, but the faux panda adults are just plain scary!

Elegran Thu 24-Apr-14 10:25:11

I hope the babies are convinced by them!

feetlebaum Thu 24-Apr-14 11:14:43

I think the panda-dressed people are hilarious! BUT - it helps them to care for their charges, and that can only be a good thing.

Elegran Thu 24-Apr-14 14:08:57

They don't want them to become dependent on humans for their food, so they try to make sure that they connect food with other pandas. I smiled at the thought of those keepers returning home to their own families delicately scented with panda pong! Will their children associate fish fingers and chips with the smell of panda?

whenim64 Thu 24-Apr-14 14:49:07

Great to see so many young pandas. They're so gorgeous. The pretend pandas remind me of those funny sketches where the man dressed as an animal sits in an armchair and lights his pipe grin

Aka Thu 24-Apr-14 15:40:14

Love it and the suited humans too.