Gransnet forums


Why are so many Gransnetters so misandrist

(97 Posts)
M0nica Tue 04-Oct-16 14:32:00

That's right women who enjoy complaining about the faults in men and seem not see that they too are less than perfect.

There are two misandrist threads running at the moment. If it was men attacking women, the thread would have been shouted down or withdrawn very quickly.

I worked mainly in a male environment and I have also worked with women and found both genders equally difficult or easy to work with depending on their individual characteristics.

I find the knocking men threads on Gransnet quite unpleasant.

annodomini Wed 05-Oct-16 10:28:14

I don't think there's real misandry here. There are a lot of women letting off steam about their nearest and dearest and that's not quite the same thing. Misandry suggests a dislike of all the male species and I don't see any sign of that!

trisher Wed 05-Oct-16 10:03:10

I seem to remember a thread where we posted what we were each wearing which revealed we also have the ability to criticize/see the funny side of ourselves

Wobblybits Wed 05-Oct-16 09:57:50

I'm sure all of us have traits that some others find annoying, hopefully when we choose our partner in life those negative traits are outweighed by the positive ones.
I'm sure that if I asked Mrs P (I'm not risking that though) she would say, messy, untidy, grumpy, miserable, etc etc.

kittylester Wed 05-Oct-16 09:46:38

Most of my women friends have annoying traits too and if there someone started a thread about it I would join in. It doesn't mean that I hate them, just that they are not perfect, thankfully! Just like DH or even me!!

Wobblybits Wed 05-Oct-16 09:40:35

On Monday nights I play with Maldon Ukulele Group. We are a mixed group in every way. The banter/teasing between the sexes is endless. However you can tell by the blank faces, a few just don't get the humour. Come home every Monday night with a smile on my face.
The banter carries on between meetings on our Facebook page.

Wobblybits Wed 05-Oct-16 09:22:50

Ruby, I never considered that you started that thread to have a go at men, and I don't think that it has turned out that way, quite funny in places.
I did consider asking Mrs WB here opinion, but I thought it better to let sleeping dogs lie, I might not like the truth. grin

LullyDully Wed 05-Oct-16 08:48:56

P.S..Don't get a chance to speak to many women as the family is

LullyDully Wed 05-Oct-16 08:47:47

I like the word. My post yesterday was lovingly written I hope. Just tongue in cheek banter, as has been said. Part.of teasing really, not slagging off or point scoring.

Alima Wed 05-Oct-16 06:12:39

absent I agree entirely. The teasing and banter between the sexes shows affection rather than dislike. There is a huge difference but if you have to explain that to someone it probably means that they will just never get it. Lighten up springs to mind.

rubylady Wed 05-Oct-16 01:12:56

Sorry guys, Wobbly, I certainly did not start the "I want a man" thread thinking that men would be put down. I would love to have a man friend, not a permanent fixture, but then I don't want a permanent fixture of either sex, but just a friend, who can have a laugh and men do tend to see things rather differently to women, in my opinion. I have had plenty of male friends in the past, from being a little girl and I miss them being around now. So no, not an intention at all, I like men, not all of them, but I treat as I find, in both sexes. Wobbly, you are one of the best, pity you have a Mrs. Wobbly wink

Luckygirl Tue 04-Oct-16 22:16:42

The men on this forum have been known to make light-hearted remarks about their female spouses - I think we usually smile at these. We understand a joke when we see one. smile

Wobblybits Tue 04-Oct-16 22:11:26

Phew smile

Grannyknot Tue 04-Oct-16 22:00:22

wobbly your post of 19:36 had me running off to check the meaning. I think we're safe.

absent Tue 04-Oct-16 21:40:57

Hold on. I haven't seen the threads mentioned in the OP but the usual ones that crop up on Gransnet seem to be about silly nuisance things that someone's husband does habitually, such as offer to help cook supper once it is already in the oven, or carefully weed out a bunch of lovely planted seedlings in the garden. Surely a misandrist is a woman who actively hates all men, just as a misogynist actively hates all women, not simply a tired woman who complains that her husband never puts his dirty clothes in the laundry basket.

Wobblybits Tue 04-Oct-16 21:35:15

Feel the love flowers

M0nica Tue 04-Oct-16 21:23:07

Jane10, precisely

Jane10 Tue 04-Oct-16 20:41:25

I'm an equal opportunities disliker: there are some men I don't like and some women I don't like. Not very many of each as mostly I like most people irrespective of gender.

Wobblybits Tue 04-Oct-16 20:13:44

LOL, you missed my prime by about 30 years.

obieone Tue 04-Oct-16 20:12:37

MOnica, it is a bit like a women's group or a man's group absolutely anywhere.
If the group is almost totally made of women or men, this happens.

Quite Bluebelle.

trisher Tue 04-Oct-16 20:08:37

Ana I think you are absolutely right.
Be careful Wb you might be cut off in your prime!!!

BlueBelle Tue 04-Oct-16 20:07:45

New word for me to
Does it really figure if you dislike a way someone works or don't agree with some aspects you are then a ' man hater' can't you like and get on with men but still dislikes some of their ways ?

Ana Tue 04-Oct-16 19:57:00

trisher, to answer your question, I think misogyny can be practised by women as well as men.

Wobblybits Tue 04-Oct-16 19:55:45

Trisher, "So M0nica what's the word for women who dislike women?" you really are trying to lead me into dangerous territory. grin

I though need a man thread was also light hearted. Perhaps I'm getting too laid back.

trisher Tue 04-Oct-16 19:47:49

So M0nica what's the word for women who dislike women?
There are comments on different threads about all sorts of people including the phantom plimsoll poster. If there are only 2 dissing men that seems to be quite a small percentage of the whole.
Wb I think the second thread is the one about needing a man (to deal with a mobility scooter)

Wobblybits Tue 04-Oct-16 19:36:10

self-flagellating ??? can we say that on GN hmm

Jalima, Practically Perfect in Every Way , surly not, but then again hmm

When threads like this one, are light hearted, they are a joy. I love banter.