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Naughty but nice

(121 Posts)
NanKate Mon 23-Oct-17 21:45:44

DH and I don’t buy each other many gifts as we have got to a stage in life where there is little that we need/want, however as it was our anniversary I pushed the boat out and bought him a quarter of coconut ice ? which he is already chomping into.

I have to admit I also bought myself a quarter of mint toffees, only to suck as I don’t want any fillings to come out.

What would you choose from the sweet shop, especially if I told you they were calorie free ?

lemongrove Tue 24-Oct-17 23:10:40

Fudge? Toffee? (Tablet)

Marydoll Tue 24-Oct-17 23:08:56

Tablet is a concoction of sugar, condensed milk, butter and vanilla extract. It has a million calories and destroys your teeth, but it is so addictive and delicious. ?

starlily106 Tue 24-Oct-17 23:07:13

Ginger creams. That is if they are still being made. I have not seen any for years.

DanniRae Tue 24-Oct-17 23:04:50

Sorry, but I don't know what tablet is??

Nannacat Tue 24-Oct-17 21:49:59

Sugar mice ! my Mum loved those she also loved Edinburgh Rock , flying saucers and treacle toffee .

grannysyb Tue 24-Oct-17 21:47:01

Reeces peanut butter cups and tablet, there used to be a shop in Stonegate York which had the most delicious tablet.

Nanna58 Tue 24-Oct-17 21:31:25

Not bothered about calorie free, but if there was a filling amnesty for my teeth well, peanut brittle, sugar mice , rum and raisin toffees, that banana flavoured tray toffee you hit with a little hammer, nougat, honeycomb, oh the list is endless!

Caro1954 Tue 24-Oct-17 21:29:22

Clarnico's Mint Creams
Coconut Ice
Jersey Bars

Marydoll Tue 24-Oct-17 19:11:32

paddyann, I know what you mean. I made a tray of tablet last week as a treat for my friends. They got hardly any, as I ate it all!

Nelliemaggs Tue 24-Oct-17 17:46:14

I just bought myself the biggest box of jelly babies. The only good think about being type 1 diabetic is the instruction to eat four jelly babies (or glucose tablets which is no treat) whenever I find myself going into a diabetic hypo. In spite of many many hypos I still love jelly babies.

stayanotherday Tue 24-Oct-17 17:42:08

Oh Terry's Neapolitans, now we're talking. My grandfather used to buy them occasionally and we'd share them in front of the TV. Trio biscuits have made a comeback. Not really a sweet person and especially now most chocolate tastes the same.

paddyann Tue 24-Oct-17 17:40:55

DOGSMOTHER my GC love home made tablet ,but I only make it once in a blue moon now as like you I EAT it,the diet is desrtoyed its really is a work of the devil...but I cant resist it.Very odd because I dont have a sweet tooth for anything else

callgirl1 Tue 24-Oct-17 17:32:35

I would LOVE to get my hands on a box of Terry`s Neapolitans, sadly no more, as is Terry`s.
Talking of Spangles, I loved the acid drop ones.

dogsmother Tue 24-Oct-17 16:35:44

The reason I became prediabetic undoubtedly ? my sweet tooth.
However I got over it and now have self control and can have a little of what I fancy now and again, so here goes.
Coconut mushrooms
Maple Brazil’s
Coconut Ice
Turkish Delight ( from Turkey)
Well actually all things mentioned so far probably I am a lost cause.

Mauriherb Tue 24-Oct-17 16:35:32

I used to love merry maid toffees, cough candy, and aniseed balls, but these days I worry about my teeth !

pollyperkins Tue 24-Oct-17 16:34:42

Yes I think you are right Marydoll! I wasn't sure.

Cubagran Tue 24-Oct-17 16:32:56

Sherbet lemons and Nuttalls Mints.

mphammersley Tue 24-Oct-17 16:19:27

Coconut mushrooms! Could eat a whole bag, that's why I don't buy them!

BBbevan Tue 24-Oct-17 15:58:34

I saw a bar of Toblerone in Tesco , it was £60 !!!!!

Marydoll Tue 24-Oct-17 15:30:08

pollyperkins, I may be wrong, but I think Opal fruits were renamed Starburst.

pollyperkins Tue 24-Oct-17 15:25:52

Didnt Spangles become starburst? Never liked anything with coconut in or nougat but love anything chocolatey especially mint aero or cadburies mint creams. Also coffee cream chocs and Crunchy bars. I did like liquorice all sorts though especially the black roll with white fondant in the middle.

hulahoop Tue 24-Oct-17 15:02:27

Riley's plain chocolate toffee rolls ?

Bellanonna Tue 24-Oct-17 14:55:00

Belgian chocs, any kind, not fussy. ?

Sheilasue Tue 24-Oct-17 14:47:50

Oooo yes liquorice all sorts and hotel chocolat please. Used to love cadburys chocolate but not the same now.

Jane10 Tue 24-Oct-17 14:22:01

Since I was given a box of Hotel Chocolat chocs all thoughts of other sweets have been driven from my mind. Shame really!