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Those royals wasting money again

(270 Posts)
gillybob Tue 12-Jun-18 21:48:55

Sorry to those royal worshipers but Eddie has apparently just paid (well technically he paid nothing) £37,000 to fly 130 mile in a private jet from Poole to Tamworth when the train would have cost a mere fraction (first class of course) .

I know his time is more precious than most other people’s time, okay so he’s got a wife and family to get home to and an elderly mum needing his care...... but really ?

Anniebach Wed 13-Jun-18 09:03:28

Here it is

maryeliza54 Wed 13-Jun-18 09:15:37

He has private staff to organise his diary - he should not have had arrangements that required a private jet. It’s not as though any of the engagements looked earth shatteringerly important. And those if you demanding a link should have googled yourselves

maryeliza54 Wed 13-Jun-18 09:18:55

And if course it matters - aren’t they supposed to be wonderful role models to all of us - well he is certainly a role model in how to waste money on unnecessary private jet trips. In fact he’s a role model in being a complete waste of space - I mean really what is the point of him?

Grandma70s Wed 13-Jun-18 09:22:04

What is the point of anybody?

What nonsense.

maryeliza54 Wed 13-Jun-18 09:27:29

Ah but most of us aren’t held up as members of the most amazing institution in the history of the whole world and bowed and curtsyed to. He has a long history of career and business failings despite all the help he’s had and he’s now just carrying out pretty meaningless engagements which at least should be organised without such extra expense.

maryeliza54 Wed 13-Jun-18 09:28:21

If the RF didn’t have Edward, no body would bother to invent him

gillybob Wed 13-Jun-18 09:35:09

Maybe Charlie (instead of talking to his plants ) should talk to his little brother about the carbon footprint of a private jet flight for 130 mile. Oh but he won’t, because they’re all bl**dy hypocrites !

Anniebach Wed 13-Jun-18 09:56:05

What long history of career and business failings ?

trisher Wed 13-Jun-18 09:57:39

Surely even the most loyal royalist can't agree with this. As heard on TV this morning that's more than a year's salary for a nurse.

Iam64 Wed 13-Jun-18 10:02:11

Ok where is the evidence that the RF are all bloody hypocrites when compared with the rest of us, for example. Gransnet posters?
I’m not a ‘fan’ (enter any derogatory term of your choice) of the Edward but I can’t remember describing anyone as a waste of space.
I understand the intellectual arguments against the monarchy but the level of nastiness in personal attacks defeats me. If folks get so angry about the RF how on earth do they manage their anger towards institutions or individuals who deliberately exploit and damage people, or threaten world peace

gillybob Wed 13-Jun-18 10:09:43

When someone preaches to someone else about what they should and shouldn't do and then goes on and does the opposite they are hypocrites though Iam64 .

The royals are very good at preaching about the environment and yet they are some of the worst offenders for flying all over the world (often in helicopters and private jets).

trisher Wed 13-Jun-18 10:11:52

I've read a lot of derogatory posts about benefit scroungers and other people seen as a drain on limited UK resources on GN, and they are taking considerably less than £37k, so I don't see why Edward with his expensive education and privileged background should be regarded as beyond criticism.

MawBroon Wed 13-Jun-18 10:15:42

And those if you demanding a link should have googled yourselves
Ah, the Google imperative.
grin that the two links are the esteemed DM and DE.
Loads of rich people own/hire/use private jets -rather like some people hail taxis instead of using the humble bus/bike/shanks’s pony .
I am not necessarily condoning or full of admiration, but let’s be consistent, perhaps. Or even worry more about the refugees who have been turned away by Italy and Malta.
Or the women held unprotected in close proximity to men (strangers, not family or partners) in refugee camps. (Today’s Woman's Hour)

gillybob Wed 13-Jun-18 10:15:59

There are some who believe that the royals fart rainbows trisher and won't hear a word against them.

merlotgran Wed 13-Jun-18 10:18:41

Why is it that whenever a thread attracts a few more posters someone thinks we should be directing our attention to more worthy subjects?

Is there a thread on Italy and Malta refusing to take any more refugees?

Anniebach Wed 13-Jun-18 10:18:42

In fairness , the Windsors arrange their diaries far in advance of visits. The Duke of Edinburgh retired and others have taken on his appointments, it is quite possibly Edward had his own appointments and took on some of his father’s . These visits mean something to the communities who ask a Windsor to attend.

MawBroon Wed 13-Jun-18 10:22:48

Not yet, merlot - got to finish the ironing before I start one smile and just heard about the women refugees about 10 minutes ago.
One could also ask why some topics such as this can attract so many responses when most of us would agree there are “worse things happening at sea.”
Food for thought though.

gillybob Wed 13-Jun-18 10:31:32

Anyone is free to start a thread on any subject they choose Maw .

MawBroon Wed 13-Jun-18 10:34:19

Of course confused and most do!

gillybob Wed 13-Jun-18 10:39:39

So if you want to talk about the refugees being refused by Malta and Italy (a very worthy subject) why not start a thread on it?

gillybob Wed 13-Jun-18 10:42:42

I agree that there "are worse things happen at sea" than the royals wasting masses of money on private jets...... which is probably true about many thread subjects on Gransnet.

Should we only talk about deadly serious matters then? I'm confused too.

MawBroon Wed 13-Jun-18 10:46:56

See my reply to merlot , gillybob.

How much time do some people have to spend on GN anyway?

gillybob Wed 13-Jun-18 10:51:33

Some day's I've got quite a lot of time to be honest Maw (others none at all) It's quite lonely sitting here all on my own, waiting for the phone to ring or an email enquiry to pop through. All accounts up to date, office cleaned and tidy, dishes washed etc. I can't leave so basically that's it, I'm lonely.

Neilspurgeon0 Wed 13-Jun-18 10:55:53

Ok links on an iPad.

Click on the link in the top of the browser window, just once so it goes blue, then click gently again and choose Copy (you will probably have Copy/Cut options)

Click in the gransnet message (text) box and choose Paste

Not overly complex and any GN worth her salt can master this with practice - honest you CAN

Ned (former eGovernment Adviser to West Sussex County Council) now a very proud GN bloke

gillybob Wed 13-Jun-18 11:01:03

This is what I normally do Neilspurgeon but the link would not "blue" as it usually would.

Or maybe....just maybe....I'm just not worth my salt wink