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Clever gadgets

(4 Posts)
vampirequeen Sat 08-May-21 11:07:20


Remember to take the pump with you!

Sorry if that’s obvious.

It wasn’t to me?

It's on my list grin I'm a saddo who has lists for everything grin

Newatthis Sat 08-May-21 10:51:18

These are also great if you are moving house and need to pack clothes.

Peasblossom Sat 08-May-21 10:51:02

Remember to take the pump with you!

Sorry if that’s obvious.

It wasn’t to me?

vampirequeen Sat 08-May-21 10:43:06

I'm not usually a gadget fan but I love this one. We're going away for a couple of weeks and need to take our own towels and tea towels. This suitcase is 19 inches by 14 inches. The photo shows it holding 5 bath towels and 8 tea towels plus our toiletries. There is still space for underwear and night wear.

I wouldn't use it for proper clothes but it's brilliant if you're packing stuff where creasing doesn't matter.

Do you have a gadget that you absolutely love?