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Viva your Vulva - in Edinburgh

(173 Posts)
FarNorth Tue 26-Jul-22 11:31:44

Elaine Miller is funny and factual.

"50% of women aren't sure which is their vulva and which is their vagina. Elaine Miller, a funny, frank, factual fanny Fellow of Physiotherapy doesn't think that's OK. Learn what's in your pants, what an orgasm is, how tell a clitoris from an elbow and importantly, why on earth nobody told you this stuff before now. Elaine won the Comedy Award at Fringe World, was a vulva on CBeebies, said 'fart' on Woman's Hour, presents on women's health in parliaments and wants to change the world, one fanny at a time. Starting with yours."

There's a Mumsnet thread about it too.

Angryfeminist Thu 25-Aug-22 11:50:08

Elaine is at FiLiA 2022. For those interested FiLiA organise the largest annual Feminist Conference in Europe. This year it is being held in Cardiff, runs for 3 days, 22-24 October. Tickets on sale now

Angryfeminist Thu 25-Aug-22 11:49:23

Elaine will be at FiLiA 2022. For those interested FiLiA organise the largest annual Feminist Conference in Europe. This year it is being held in Cardiff, runs for 3 days, 22-24 October. Tickets on sale now

Baggytrazzas Fri 12-Aug-22 08:51:38

Well, if you felt up to it you could do it in stages. Lots of Acts if they receive good reviews book the same place for the following year. And if you managed as far as Edinburgh, you might even be able to enjoy being taken up the Trossachs in a bus, as you mentioned elsewhere.

MissAdventure Fri 12-Aug-22 00:53:17

It's a looong way from me.
Still, who knows?
Anything might happen. smile

Baggytrazzas Fri 12-Aug-22 00:20:46

MissAdventure - next year, maybe?

MissAdventure Thu 11-Aug-22 23:28:55

When I was looking for Ethel and Ernest yesterday, on came Edinburgh castle, all lit up, like something mystical and magick.

I felt quite tearful, and wished I was nearer.

I would have loved to go.

FarNorth Thu 11-Aug-22 23:21:28

Elaine's show is getting great reviews - I'm really sad I can't go as I'm nowhere near Edinburgh.

Caleo Tue 02-Aug-22 17:53:45

Thank you so much, Sudoku, the lovely poem !

Nannabumble70 Sat 30-Jul-22 13:38:15

Thanks Rosie51 for the UTUBE video, great listen x

Rosie51 Fri 29-Jul-22 22:43:11

Witzend bless him, that's great ???

Witzend Fri 29-Jul-22 20:55:03

After a young nephew of maybe 8 remarked more than once that their dog was licking his balls again, my DSis told him to use the proper word, i.e. testicles.

Some days later he asked, ‘What was that word again, Mum? The one that means willyballs?’ ?

suzikyoo Fri 29-Jul-22 13:48:08

Exactly - that's how I felt! ???

Baggytrazzas Thu 28-Jul-22 22:46:40

suzikyoo - sounds like what you might say if you were looking in the coal hole in the basement!

suzikyoo Thu 28-Jul-22 22:39:23

Just before I was about to undergo an internal examination recently, I heard from the gynaecologist: 'I'm just gonna take a peep down-below'.
Yuk! Creepy!
Euphemistic language is nearly always so patronising...

Ffion63 Thu 28-Jul-22 20:58:25

This thread brought to mind a secretary at work whose daughter was completing her PhD. She arrived in late one morning, full of apologies and explained she was late in bed the previous evening as she was helping her daughter with her vulva for the university.

Baggytrazzas Thu 28-Jul-22 20:38:14


MissAdventure Thu 28-Jul-22 20:27:31

When my boy gets a detention, I have to log onto a website to see what for, where it is all written down.

The last one was because he said something very inappropriate.

He said he was scared to show me, but he knew I would laugh when I read it.
I ended up like Bradley Walsh, being very stern.

Baggytrazzas Thu 28-Jul-22 20:22:47

I completely agree MissAdventure, I set out each day to be more "adult" then end up disgracing myself, yet again. However, Ive looked at some of the other threads on the go and a lot of those are very po faced, so I'd rather be having a bit of a laughg even though sometimes I don't know when to stop.

MissAdventure Thu 28-Jul-22 19:44:43

Very childish.
I like your style. grin

Baggytrazzas Thu 28-Jul-22 19:43:38

Reminds me of the last time I was on jury service, and the statements from both sides had to be read out word for word in Court. Hearing extremely posh voices read out extremely crude words was painfully funny but couldn't dare laugh. A few of us had hankies out and coughing fits to cover our choking laughs.

Madgran77 Thu 28-Jul-22 19:42:19



My children were taught the 'proper' words, just as they were taught to say eyes and ears

Which works well until one's 3 year old announces at the top of his voice whilst staring fixedly at a man with a bulging pair of swimming trunks, standing in a fish and chip queue,

"Mummy that man has got a penis"!!!

I am speaking from experience!! grin grin

But if we all taught our children the proper words, it wouldn't be embarrassing because we'd all be used to hearing them out of the mouths of babes.

My DIL taught her daughter the proper names for everything because she said that if she was ever abused, she would be able to refer to them appropriately and nobody would be able to confuse them in court.

Absolutely icanhandthemback I actually wasn't embarrassed but I suspected the man would be and he was.....he turned round and walked out of the queue!!. My comment to my 3 year old was "Yes he has, just like you and Daddy!"

icanhandthemback Thu 28-Jul-22 19:23:59


*My children were taught the 'proper' words, just as they were taught to say eyes and ears*

Which works well until one's 3 year old announces at the top of his voice whilst staring fixedly at a man with a bulging pair of swimming trunks, standing in a fish and chip queue,

"Mummy that man has got a penis"!!!

I am speaking from experience!! grin grin

But if we all taught our children the proper words, it wouldn't be embarrassing because we'd all be used to hearing them out of the mouths of babes.

My DIL taught her daughter the proper names for everything because she said that if she was ever abused, she would be able to refer to them appropriately and nobody would be able to confuse them in court.

MissAdventure Thu 28-Jul-22 19:06:54

This reminds me of being at work when an incident occurred.
I was called on to write down in plain language what had happened, and to use words like penis, testicles, and so on.
Some of the staff were quite shy about those words for some reason.

Quite soul destroying to see the word 'willy' on an official report.

Glorianny Thu 28-Jul-22 18:56:38


I wondered if I had gone back in time when I saw this thread.

The Scandinavian countries tackled this very problem in the 1970s, ladies. Were you all asleep in Britain during the Swinging Sixties, the Flower-Power seventies and the sexual revolution?

We have teams of young professional nurses , doctors and pycologists who discuss sex with 15 year olds. If you are their form mistress or master, you phone and make an appointment for a school trip with your class, take them along, hand them over, and go and have coffee while they are at the session. In the 1970s when the scheme started, we stayed with our classes, but this was soon found only to be productive of embarrassment.

Teachers of biology use the correct medical terms when teaching the human reproductive system to 15 year olds, but apart from that there is nothing wrong with having informal family terms for the female genitalia.

After all, all languagues have terms like willie for little boys' penises. Heaven knows what teachers do nowadays with all the allegations of abuse, but in the '70s when I taught Primary 1, we frequently had to help little boys find their willies and negotiate flies in trousers and underpants, and we would frankly have found it ridiculous if a five year old had said he couldn't find his penis. Wee-wee and willie were the usual terms.

I agree it is ridiculous if grown women do not know actual words for the external genitalia and the internal and are forced to refer vaguely to "down there" or "inside" when talking to a midwife or a gynaecologist, but even if you do know the right word, embarrassment is a common human predicament.

Any medical secretary can probably still tell you of talking to patients who are having trouble with "their waterworks" or bleeding from " the back passage". They are not talking about their tear-ducts or their house's plumbing in the first instance, nor about the corridor leading from the kitchen to the back door in the second. Medical staff are accustomed to sorting through euphemisms - the trouble starts if things are so weirdly described that a doctor can genuinely be in doubt as to what is meant.

In the very dim and distant past when I was 11, there was a helpful little booklet (in English) designed for 11-15 year olds that explained things in both clinical and homely terms with diagrams - not that the bore any real resemblance to the reality of the human body, either male or female.

For the life of me, I cannot remember what it was called, as when I borrowed my cousin's copy, it told me nothing I did not already know, having been well informed by my mother a couple of months before we went out and bought my first bra. "Your questions answered" or "what ever girl and boy needs to know" perhaps? Anyone else remember this booklet?

The male author got my goat by saying the periods could be a nusiance but so was having to shave every morning!

Aged 13, I thought "Ha, bloody ha! He can just stop shaving, but I can't just stop having periods every month."

In the 1970s a friend of mine nearly lost her job because she tried to get a speaker about contraception and sex to talk to her class of 14-15year old special needs pupils. She was reported for encouraging under age sex and only saved because the head stuck up for her. She knew some of them were experimenting but could do nothing about it.

Lucca Thu 28-Jul-22 18:50:47
