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Energy Bill Rebate - is this a scam??

(95 Posts)
FannyCornforth Tue 20-Sep-22 08:40:51

I’ve just this minute received this text regarding the £400 rebate.

Is this how they are going about it, or is it dodgy?
It certainly looks legit, but I’m surprised if they are doing it by text message.

Thank you!

MadeInYorkshire Fri 23-Sep-22 12:27:56

Good grief, a scam but a bloody good one, just awful as a lot of folk will not see it as such sad

Theoddbird Fri 23-Sep-22 12:03:00

Yes it is. Was mentioned on the BBC this morning. Good rule of thumb....never click on any links...simple.

Camelotclub Fri 23-Sep-22 11:42:07

These vultures don't miss a trick! Ignore and block.

harrigran Thu 22-Sep-22 09:17:20

Definitely a scam, I had this sent to me too.
Reimbursement is done via your DD and they do not need any input from you.

FannyCornforth Thu 22-Sep-22 05:52:04

Here is a screenshot

FannyCornforth Thu 22-Sep-22 05:43:24

Yesterday I had a genuine text from the DWP regarding Cost of Living Payments.
It included a link to check if you are eligible.
It clearly said that the sender was the DWP and did not include the sender’s phone number

biglouis Wed 21-Sep-22 16:01:23

I had an email from my energy supplier telling me I did not have to do anything at all and to ignore any requests for bank details as they already had them for my DD.

Also the pensioner rebate will be paid direct into your bank account by the DWP along with your winter fuel allowance. As will the disability allowance - if you qualify.

You dont have to do anything for these payments.

welbeck Wed 21-Sep-22 15:51:21

forward scam text messages to 7226.
it spells scam on numero/letters keypad.
include sender number if poss.

Beautful Wed 21-Sep-22 15:22:30

Personally I would ignor ... as automatic ... don't have to apply

Blossoming Tue 20-Sep-22 18:18:45

It’s being reported on the BBC now Fanny, you were dead right.

Germanshepherdsmum Tue 20-Sep-22 15:01:06


last post, honest

I just scared myself. I get a subscription sewing box every month and the card held by them is my debit card, yikes, any company can get hacked. I have changed that card to my new cc

Phew! Just as well you did that. I ever agree to my credit card details being held but with some retailers it just seems to happen automatically. Amazon being one of them.

twiglet77 Tue 20-Sep-22 14:50:56

Definitely a scam

Dickens Tue 20-Sep-22 14:48:56


It all comes down to regular income and perceived ability to pay doesn’t it? Computer says no and doesn’t care if you’re a priest or a hooker (though the latter likely has a much higher income).

Computer says no and doesn’t care if you’re a priest or a hooker (though the latter likely has a much higher income).


karmalady Tue 20-Sep-22 14:46:47

last post, honest

I just scared myself. I get a subscription sewing box every month and the card held by them is my debit card, yikes, any company can get hacked. I have changed that card to my new cc

karmalady Tue 20-Sep-22 14:34:04

my son works in banking IT and they have regular fraud meetings due to the changing clever ways of scammers. Many large companies have also been hacked but keep it quiet in order not to alarm customers. Via hacking they can get hold of any debit card details held online

MerylStreep Tue 20-Sep-22 14:28:30

My step daughter worked in bank fraud/ security for some years. She would literally be given fake bank cards that were linked to fake accounts ( obviously set up by the bank)
Her job was to try and get into those accounts to test the system. It takes a lot more than those numbers you see on your card. You also have to have a devious brain ?
She’s perfectly legit, though. She’s now works for Deloitte testing all their systems.

karmalady Tue 20-Sep-22 14:15:08

on the phone, scammers draw you into a friendly relationship and might ring back several times to build that relationship so that you think they are trustworthy. He said put the phone down and don`t be polite, just do it

I pulled my plug in phone out after getting scam calls and never answer my mobile unless it is from a known contact. If I don`t know the number calling then I will google it to find out eg last one was about fabric from a shop, so I rang them back.

He said that they use multiple dialling methods and if you hear a click after you pick the phone up, then put it down straight away

sorry to write so many posts but if one scam can be prevented then it will have been worth while

PamelaJ1 Tue 20-Sep-22 14:12:51


I’ve clicked on some of the links - including the option to read it in Welsh, and they don’t work.
Some do though.
It is very convincing.
The robbing b*******s ?

As Fanny has clicked on a few links should she be worried?

Witzend Tue 20-Sep-22 14:10:28

Oops, sorry, wrong thread! Mods please move!

Witzend Tue 20-Sep-22 14:09:53

I’d just say that an awful lot more MC children now attend state schools, than a few decades ago. Fees have risen a lot, relative to incomes, so coupled with crazy house prices, independent schools have become much more an option for the very well off.

Our dds went to a very academic independent senior school, but very few of their old school friends are sending their dcs to independents. Of those who are, several are having help from grandparents.

FWIW, if I had to choose again, I don’t think I’d have sent dds to the independent senior school. There was a very good state senior they could have gone to, but the independent was outstanding academically and very over-subscribed, so when they passed the entrance exam plus interview, we thought we were doing our best for them.

karmalady Tue 20-Sep-22 14:06:32

avon and somerset police have 3 full time people dealing with scams. Dorset and Devon have none none. Might be interesting to see where your police authority stands on this

karmalady Tue 20-Sep-22 14:03:52

another example eg barclays bank. Someone called into police station about gut feeling as he was about to pay out several £k. His contact details looked very genuine but the a in barclays bank was a slightly different text.

No-one in the audience spotted it from the slide. That was a spoof e mail. Something very slight is changed and you can lose your money. He said very much also to trust the gut if something does not feel right

karmalady Tue 20-Sep-22 13:59:24

I also kept my old smile ccand make sure to use it once a month so it stays alive

Policeman said that 3rd party is also safe as in paypal

karmalady Tue 20-Sep-22 13:57:06

if you get a chance to hear an actionfraud talk then go, it was eye opening and I am an astute person. They do them at U3A and will speak at any group if asked

I got a cc card from my halifax bank, very easy as they have my bank record in front of them and even better is that I see at a glance how much I owe cc as I check my bank account every single morning

The policeman says that he only ever pays for anything via his cc and I am now doing the same

44% of all crime now are scams. Next year it will be 66% and the most targetted depends on where you live. Here in my market town, it is retired people. Even online hobby groups and sites like this

CraftyGranny Tue 20-Sep-22 13:54:35

That is definitely a scam. I have had that one too.