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Good Morning Thursday 18th May 2023

(80 Posts)
Michael12 Thu 18-May-23 05:43:31

Good Morning Everyone,
Its a bright and dry start here in brackley again this morning.
I had a call yesterday from JR , as they found I need another Iron infusion as my levels are low, but the nurse told me to take iron tablets with water on a empty stomach , which I have just done until I get the appointment at the hospital in Bicester .
Today usual routine , the only trouble I have found is appointments and trips, seem to upset my normal routine depending on the time of day .
Take Care,

luluaugust Thu 18-May-23 09:20:31

Good morning from a sunny W Kent. Please pass on my best wishes and thoughts to Urmston.
Usual Thursday here with art group this morning and a visit from the gardener. He has told us his arthritis is getting worse and he may have to cut back on work for a while. We like him very much and feel worried for his family, I fear this may bring up the moving house again as neither of us can do it ourselves.
BlueSapphire by the time I get to Thursday I can't think what to eat either, sausage and egg here I guess, something quick anyway.

Stilllearning Thu 18-May-23 08:56:50

Morning from S Lanarkshire. glad you have a diagnosis baubles even if it’s not a great one. I hope they find meds that will help you.

Dashing as usual but I wanted to join everyone in sending support and prayers to Urmstongran and her husband. I kept thinking of the very poignant post she put up some time ago when she was watching her dear husband walking towards her and said she thought ‘Not yet please’. I am so sorry and like everyone else will be thinking about them.

BlueSapphire Thu 18-May-23 08:47:02

Good morning everyone from a cloudy but warm Northampton.

So shocked to hear the from Urmston, sending good wishes and praying for a good outcome for her dear DH.

Sainsbury's delivery shortly, then an early lunch. No dance as our teacher is on holiday. Instead I am going to a health talk at our community centre; they organise a monthly series of talks on a health and well-being topic, bringing in an expert, usually a doctor. Today's is about eyesight and vision, things to be aware of as we get older.

Afterwards I think I shall have a mooch around the library, although I have a large pile of books to read at home!

Can't think what to have for dinner tonight; might resort to egg, beans and chips!

Wishing all a pleasant Thursday.

Maria59 Thu 18-May-23 08:40:58

Granny Gravy13 please send my best wishes to Urmstongran she and Mr O are I my thoughts and prayers. She is a big miss on here as her posts were always so upbeat and cheery

Grannyme6 Thu 18-May-23 08:40:15

Good morning.
I’m not a regular GM poster but read every day. And I’m so sorry hear the news of Mr Urmston’s ill health. I have missed Urmston’s lovely posts and had hoped that all was well. Thank you GG13 for letting us know and please pass on my very best wishes to her and her family.

Enid101 Thu 18-May-23 08:39:22

Such a shock to learn the reason for Urmstongran’s absence. I hope her husband’s treatment goes well. I do miss hearing about the early morning trains and the trips to the downstairs larder.

EkwaNimitee Thu 18-May-23 08:37:40

Good morning Mick and everyone from brightish Carlisle.

I am due out imminently for my covid booster but didn't want to leave without wishing Urmston and MrUrmston all the very best for his ongoing treatment. Deeply sorry to read that news this morning.

Oldbutstilluseful Thu 18-May-23 08:36:12

I would like to join in the chorus of good wishes and love winging their way to Urmanstongran and her DH. I’ve got everything crossed for them both 💐

multicolourswapshop Thu 18-May-23 08:26:52

Good morning from a very sleepy gn today I was wakened by a car alarm going off in the wee small hrs hope all is okay with my neighbour. Think I’ll have a nap this afternoon

Taichinan Thu 18-May-23 08:26:08

Good morning all - a bright grey Angus coast today with sunshine ☀️ promised.
I am so very sorry to hear about Mr Urms - sending loving thoughts and support to Urms.
Baubles how awful! That must still be very painful and debilitating. I hope there's something can be done about it.
Enjoy your reading under the tree Mizuna and I hope you get home soon.
And I hope you get your iron infusion quickly Mick - at least you can combine that with a usual trip to Bicester.
Lovely that your getting your two DGSs to yourself for a couple of days Brook. With school time off for good behaviour of course!
Eight hours' sleep Ash! Much needed after all that coughing and I'm sure you'll both feel the better for it.
Tai chi this morning for me which I shall enjoy as always and then a lovely juicy lamb chop for tea. I may have it at lunchtime as I often can't be bothered cooking when it comes to evening. There's an ever-growing pile of ironing waiting for me too.
I'm having a 'quiet period' at the moment after a pretty hectic and eventful one - it's the way my life seems to go! I did laugh at your "40 old ladies in various stages of decrepitude" grandmattie - sounds rather like all of us gns!! My own decrepitude is growing forthwith 😉.
Enjoy your days everyone and as many halcyon ones reading in the warm sunshine as possible x

GrannySomerset Thu 18-May-23 08:20:55

So very sorry to hear about Mr Urms and add my good wishes and hopes to those being sent to Urmstongran at such a horrible time.

Empty day today but the sun is shining so may tackle some essential decluttering. Or may read in the garden. Or may get swept along by life.

ginny Thu 18-May-23 08:20:34

Good morning everyone.
This morning I must get the last few plants put in the garden . Then make some pastry and prepare some rhubarb.
Sewing club this afternoon.
My thoughts are with all who are affected by illness in any way.
Hope everyone can find a smile in their day.

dustyangel Thu 18-May-23 08:15:53

Sorry, I meant to say Good morning to you all when I included my message for the Urmstons.

It’s bright and sunny and 16° at the moment although the last couple of days have had a chilly wind.

I’m feeling a lot better than I was but have been having lots of tests since my severe diarrhoea over Easter. Thankfully they have all been clear so far although I’ve still got to have a colonoscopy which could trigger it all off again. I’ve got a routine dermatologist appointment later this afternoon which I hate. It’s so hard to sum up the flare ups of the last few months with a rather abrupt consultant.

I’ll read through properly and catch up later, meanwhile sending best wishes to you all.

GrannyGravy13 Thu 18-May-23 08:14:26

Thank you for all your good wishes, I will of course pass them on to dear Urmstongran

Gingster Thu 18-May-23 08:12:15

Good morning all and what worrying news of Urms. Thoughts and prayers for her and her Dh. 🙏.

A brightish start here on the Suffolk coast. The weather has been quite good this week, but it does get so chilly in the afternoon.
We bought bedding plants for our pots yesterday and put them in. I do hope they survive the strong winds we get here. We can only hope for the best when we go back to a Essex. 🤞.

We have our odd job man coming this morning to look at our steps down to the beach. He’ll know what to do for the best! ☺️.

We have our friends coming for a meal at tea time. I’ve cooked a chicken, so will have that with salad and jersey royals. Must think of something for pud!

Enjoy your day 🌸

Hiraeth Thu 18-May-23 08:08:57

So sorry to hear about Urmstonsgran husband . Worrying times for all of them .
I love reading her posts and have missed her .

Ashcombe Thu 18-May-23 08:04:38

GrannyGravy13: Please tell Urmstongran that she and her DH are in our thoughts. thanks

GrannyGravy13 Thu 18-May-23 08:04:18

Sar53 you need to be well for your birthday bash take care and try for a GP appointment 🌸

Marydoll Thu 18-May-23 08:02:05

Baubles, I am so sorry to hear your news. I had an op, named Verteboplasty, where cement was injected into my spinal fractures, caused by osteoporosis. It was very innovative at the time, but did ease the excrutiating pain.
Could this be an option?

I has suspected that this was the reason, Urms had stopped posting from something she let slip in a post.
What dreadful and sad news to hear this morning.
Sending my very best wishes. 💐

Sar53 Thu 18-May-23 08:00:33

Good morning from a sunny day in Essex by the sea.
I am very sorry to hear the message from Urmstongran. Please pass on my kind regards to them, GG13.
Food shopping this morning then I shall see how the day pans out.
I am back coughing again so I may have to try and get a doctor's appointment if it doesn't abate.
Have a lovely Thursday everyone xxx

harrigran Thu 18-May-23 07:56:59

Good morning from an overcast NE where it is 11 degrees.
Quiet day reading my book yesterday.
SIL coming this morning and we will go shopping. After lunch I have an appointment with the solicitor to sign my new will.
I was sad to read about Mr Urmston, caring thoughts for both of them.

Marydoll Thu 18-May-23 07:55:06

Good morning all from a wet Glasgow, where its 10°C.
What was that you said about a fine weather, WWM? 😉

GM, good to hear you are keeping busy. I'm sure you will eventually make new friends, even if they are decrepit, as many of us now are! 😉

Yesterday, I spent ages trying to reassemble a pottery solar water feature, stored away for the winter. I couldn't for the life of me work out where all the metal parts went.
I went online, printed out a picture and in frustration, even watched a You Tube video. All to no avail.
DH came out and smugly put it together in minutes.......without any instructions. 🤬

My Covid booster appointment went well yesterday. What a difference from during the pandemic. There were masks and sanitiser at the door, but no-one was using them (apart from me). Some staff were wearing them, some were not. It was all very relaxed, The nurse had someonelse's records in front of her and addressed me as Pauline!
A rather large, maskless, elderly gentleman, with no manners, instead of going behind me, leant right into my face, to speak to the receptionist, beside the one, who was registering me. I hadn't realised how vulnerable, I still felt, until he was breathing all over me.

I have my MOT at the surgery today. DH can't come with me, because we have a house alarm service, already changed once.
Babydoll lives only ten minutes from the surgery, but I daren't pop in alone, someone will be very put out. 💚 .

To be honest, although the GP is very thorough and wanting to help, I fear I will be told that this is the way I will always feel. Between a rock and a hard place, that is usually the scenario. Stop the heart meds or suffer dizzy spells and nausea. 😉
Slowing down is an enathma to me, I cannot help myself, but I am trying to be a good girl, in fact, I'm very trying. 😉. Better than wallowing at home, doing nothing and feeling sorry for myself.

DS2 and DIL have bought me a subscription for Audible, do you think they are trying to tell me to sit and relax? 😁
I do have my wireless headphones back at last, after mislaying them during decorating our bedroom. For weeks DH has denied having them and refused to search the tip, he calls a study, because he didn't have them. Guess where they were? 🤬

After seeing the eye-watering price of £95 for a pair of, what looked like, plastic sandals in the window of the boutique, I decided not to go in.
Looking through the window, the beautiful, pastel colours of the elegant clothes, were trying to seduce me. Dear reader, I regretfully walked away! I am a strong woman, (but very shallow and materialistic) 😁

For those on holiday, enjoy and my very best wishes to all in the sick bay. Good luck with any medical appointments.
Mizuna, I hope you are being well looked after.
If you are reading, Kalu, I hope you are ok.

Enjoy your day, everyone.

PS, feel free to scroll right on by this long novella, I won't be offended!

Greyduster Thu 18-May-23 07:54:34

Good morning Michael and all GNs. Cloudy here in South Yorkshire and rain is forecast later. We had a poetry session with one of the librarian yesterday (we had all forgotten it was poetry day). She read some of her own stuff from a book she had also illustrated - a very talented lady. I am off out with the walking group this morning and then lunch with DD. This afternoon, if the weather holds, I’ll wash my filthy car.
Kindest good wishes to Urms and Mr Urms during this difficult time💐.
Have the best day you can folks.

Liberty Thu 18-May-23 07:53:32

Good morning all from a very sunny Suffolk. I’m a relatively new poster but I always enjoyed * Urmstongran’s * friendly and upbeat postings and am so sorry to hear about her DH’s ill health. Hopes and prayers for him.

I have a stretch class this morning and then I shall meet DH and dog for coffee and a walk along the prom. Dogs are banned from most of the beach from May-September but after the coffee hut it is open. Bound to be busy on such a lovely day.

Hope whatever the weather there is a little sunshine in everyone’s day.

Grammaretto Thu 18-May-23 07:52:01

Good morning Mick and all from the Scottish Borders.
Some sun and dry here.
Oh dear GG I had been dreading something of the sort.
Please pass on loving understanding to our dear Urmstongran

Hopefully a quiet day here with yoga this morning. The skip I hired was almost filled yesterday by my French Helpers. I shall cook tonight.

I had an assessment for my cataract op yesterday. If private it costs over £5k for both eyes but I can have it done this month!
If NHS the wait here is 2 years or more.
I'm looking at my rainy day savings.

Baubles I am sorry 😞 about your diagnosis. I hope something can be done
gMattie good for you, making an effort as always. You'll find your happy place I'm sure
Have the best day you can everyone.