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Bramley apples

(13 Posts)
Fennel Thu 12-Jul-18 19:56:58

One of my favourite foods. While in France had to make do with Canada Gris, but nothing like as good as Bramleys.
The first time we went into Tesco here I saw them, and shouted "Bramleys!" The people around looked at me as if I was mad.
I'm enjoying using them, made an apple pie yesterday.
I the days when I was pregnant I had a craving for sliced raw Bramleys.
What else can you make with them?
Could I grow a Bramley tree in a small garden?

Jalima1108 Thu 12-Jul-18 20:02:01

Yes, I think you could grow one and keep it well pruned. Ours should have been pruned more and got so top-heavy with apples last year that it fell down. sad
Apple crumble
Tarte tatin
Apple (stewed) with sultanas and cinnamon
Apple sauce
Apple jelly
Apple and chilli jelly

Welshwife Thu 12-Jul-18 20:07:24

They are lovely with blueberries too. I have a Bradley apple tree we planted here in France about18 years ago - they grow much bigger here but this year we have none.

Jalima1108 Thu 12-Jul-18 20:08:44

with blackcurrants, blackberries, redcurrants, raspberries - the list is endless.


Gagagran Thu 12-Jul-18 20:19:44

Apple fritters, baked apples, apple snow, apple meringue pie,
apple cake. LOADS of ways with lovely Bramleys! (Am happy to be a product tester if required! grin)

Jalima1108 Thu 12-Jul-18 22:28:49

how did I forget baked apples?
The best Bramley pudding

Coolgran65 Thu 12-Jul-18 23:29:45

I made Apple butter. It can be used as a garnish with cold meats and cheese, and it's lovely on toast. It freezes beautifully. I'm on the last servings from last year's crop. The apples are reduced way down and turn a lovely golden colour.
Google for various recipes.

MiniMoon Fri 13-Jul-18 00:11:37

App!e and date chutney, need U say more. ?

Farmnanjulie Sun 15-Jul-18 16:37:38

Any tips for rock hard tasteless pears!

Gagagran Sun 15-Jul-18 16:52:08

We love spiced pickled pears - delicious with cold meats and will be ready for December if done soon.

Pickled pears recipe - BBC Food -

There are other recipes online

Fennel Sun 15-Jul-18 18:04:31

Pears poached in red wine. Plus a little extra sugar.
Cook them in a slow oven, covered.
Works with small onions too wink.

Fennel Sun 15-Jul-18 18:06:02

ps I'm gong to have a go at Tarte Tatin with Bramleys. I made it once with other apples and it was lovely, though rather fiddly.

ffinnochio Sun 15-Jul-18 18:24:02

I missed Bramley apples when I first went to France, so planted two. Last year, before we left, they cropped wonderfully. My garden now is too small to have one... but will always remember those lovely trees.

I’m not sure if they will work for Tarte Tatin ... they don’t hold their shape like dessert apples. Tend to go fluffy, which is why they make great stewed apple. ?