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How much of the food budget do you eat?

(14 Posts)
jeanie99 Thu 27-Sep-18 10:24:48

It's probably about 50/50 although hubby does like his run and coke probably more than I have the San Miguel.

I certainly know who does the most housework it's me 100%

MamaCaz Sat 08-Sep-18 21:38:48

I think DH eats and drinks a much bigger share of our shopping than I do, and if he goes to the supermarket with me, he puts quite a few extras in the trolley for himself just because he likes them, whereas I concentrate on buying for meals.
In fact, more generally, I think he spends a much larger share of our (limited) income on himself than I do, as I always have to make sure that there is enough left to pay the bills, whereas he doesn't give that a thought!

Maggiemaybe Sat 08-Sep-18 20:42:02

It probably ends up as 50:50. He tends to have bigger portions at meal times, but I snack more. He eats more meat, I eat more dairy and at least twice as much fruit. I drink more wine at home, but he drinks a lot more posh coffees, whereas I prefer tea. I’m on the 5:2, but tend to do my fasts on childminding days, not at home.

TerriBull Sat 08-Sep-18 19:40:16

Hard to say, I definitely eat more fruit, salad and yogurts. He eats more eggs, toast, marmalade (I don't like it) biscuits and cheese and has bigger portions of pasta and rice when we have either of those with a meal, he's also able to graze more than me without putting on weight, which he attributes to golf 3 times a week. He is also prone of an evening to helping himself to Magnum ice creams which I keep in the freezer for grandchildren's visits, grrr! We're 50/50 on coffees, evening meals, we both eat porridge several times a week, but he has his with honey, I don't. I probably sneak an extra glass of wine when we open a bottle, but that's not all the time I hasten to add.

Chewbacca Sat 08-Sep-18 19:28:36

I live on my own but at least 50% of the food that comes into this house goes straight back out as cooked meals to DS and family.

Auntieflo Sat 08-Sep-18 18:35:11

Don't think I'd ever thought about it. I eat more fruit than DH, he eats more crisps, and would quite happily graze. We don't really drink, alcohol that is, but are great tea drinkers. We don't have any waste, I'm a great one for making a 'mix up' from the fridge. I think we eat less now anyway, but he is still slimmer than me sad

GrandmaMoira Sat 08-Sep-18 16:51:42

I'm single but have my son and DGDs every weekend. Feeding three others for three dinners and lunches must add up to more than I eat.

sodapop Sat 08-Sep-18 16:33:26

Yes we are fairly evenly balanced as well. My husband eats more fruit and I eat more chocolate ( shame on me )

lemongrove Sat 08-Sep-18 12:12:34

we eat much the same, although he does eat more fruit, about 5 pieces of fruit a day.We have very little waste food, I make sure I use it up somehow.Greedy me!

MissAdventure Sat 08-Sep-18 12:10:34

I feel I'm lucky to get a look in on the food around here.

M0nica Sat 08-Sep-18 12:07:49

I would say 50;50. We eat the same meals, but he likes a drink in the evening and sometimes with meals, I rarely do so he buys the wine etc.

JackyB Sat 08-Sep-18 11:42:04

I'm dieting, too, and the weekly bills have gone down, because I'm buying more fruit and veg and less biscuits. But don't forget that that weekly shop includes washing powder, washing up liquid, and various other non-edibles.

paddyann Sat 08-Sep-18 11:29:50

been on a strict diet so its about 10 or 15% of the weekly amount.One can of slimfast a week + milk ,seven weight watchers meals with extra frozen veg .Oh has still tucked into all his favourites , breakfasts ,and lunches and 3 course dinners although he has cut out wine in support of me,he does like a supper about 9.30 as well sandwiches or toasted cheese .I hadn't thought about the cash side of it before ,I'll check what my spend is against his ,I'm almost at my 2 1/2 stone target so it will change soon .

Daddima Sat 08-Sep-18 11:16:56

I was just listening to Answer Me This podcast ( not for you if you mind sweary words and ‘ adult’ content), and presenter Olly said that his wife had spent about £64 on the weekend shopping, and, as he’d been away, he’d only eaten about £4 worth!
It got me to wondering how ours is divided, and I’d say I definitely eat ( and drink!) more food than the Bodach, but he eats more cakes, biscuits, and sweets than I do, so I think we’re about even.