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Vegan or Whole Food Plant based

(4 Posts)
Nan99 Tue 21-Jan-20 10:45:33

Is there anyone out there who are vegan or eat whole food plant based to discuss recipes and health and reasons for eating this way.
Mine is for the animals
My Health and the environment

Alexa Tue 21-Jan-20 13:44:10

I am trying to be vegan. I gave up pig products and of course would never touch foie gras. I still eat free range eggs and cheese. So I am not terribly virtuous. I almost never but mammal or bird meat although fish fingers would be hard to live without. I take cod liver oil. I am afraid see no way to cut down further except by taking less animal products. I use olive oil instead of butter.

Adding generous quantities of red wine to cooking of pulses and soups makes a tremendous difference, It's strange how red wine has this savoury effect when cooked .I also use veg oxo.

Puy lentils, and Pistachio nuts are tasty sources of protein.
I was given a Xmas present of a bag of very high quality nuts seeds and dried fruit. A small handful of this is nice in bubble and squeak, and salads.

Alexa Tue 21-Jan-20 13:44:34


PernillaVanilla Tue 21-Jan-20 13:50:57

I have been vegetarian for over 20 years and have tried to be Vegan but never quite get there. In my family I have a nearly vegtarian coeliac DH, one vegan son and one vegetarian-trying to be vegan son ( they don't live at home but visit frequently. Food that is both gluten free and vegan is quite hard to do, though I prefer that we all eat the same thing when we are together. My main reason is animal welfare. I have cut out dairy milk now and eat very little cheese, but eggs are difficult and a sticking point for me.
I make lots of vegetable curry, easy to make and suitable for us all.