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(1001 Posts)
CherryHatrick Fri 27-Oct-17 17:56:23

Copy and paste the previous line/s to your post before adding your own.

There once was a Gran with lumbago

Bellanonna Mon 11-Dec-17 22:56:03

Once there was a rocking chair
That was badly in need of repair

travelsafar Mon 11-Dec-17 19:44:17

There was an old codger from Leek
Who went begging 5 days of the week
With so scant success
He was forced to undress
And left all his clothes in a mess!!

Once there was a rocking chair

CherryHatrick Mon 11-Dec-17 19:17:29

There was an old codger from Leek
Who went begging 5 days of the week
With so scant success
He was forced to undress

Luckygirl Mon 11-Dec-17 19:13:26

There was an old codger from Leek
Who went begging 5 days of the week
With so scant success

NannyTee Mon 11-Dec-17 19:07:38

There was an old codger from Leek
Who went begging 5 days of the week

Luckygirl Mon 11-Dec-17 18:57:16

There was a pale maiden from Bath
Who lived underneath the flight path
So her eardrums were shot
And she so lost the plot
She new not her elbow from her ath

Sorry!! - lowering the tone!

There was an old codger from Leek

Squiffy Mon 11-Dec-17 18:34:21

There was a pale maiden from Bath
Who lived underneath the flightpath
So her eardrums were shot
And she so lost the plot

NannyTee Mon 11-Dec-17 18:05:19

There was a pale maiden from Bath
Who lived underneath the flightpath
So her eardrums were shot

Jangran99 Mon 11-Dec-17 17:23:07

There was a pale maiden from Bath
Who lived underneath the flightpath

Jangran99 Mon 11-Dec-17 17:13:50

SorryLucky ,didn't refresh

There was a pale maiden from Bath

Jangran99 Mon 11-Dec-17 17:11:28

I once knew a man ten feet tall
And one evening we went to a ball
He was too tall to dance
The Lancers and prance
So we flowers just stood by the wall

I'm just off to do Xmas shopping

Luckygirl Mon 11-Dec-17 17:07:22

I once knew a man ten feet tall
And one evening we went to a ball
He was too tall to dance
The Lancers and prance
So he just lay on the floor of the hall

There was a pale maiden from Bath

CherryHatrick Mon 11-Dec-17 16:58:47

I once knew a man ten feet tall
And one evening we went to a ball
He was too tall to dance
The Lancers and prance

NannyTee Mon 11-Dec-17 14:49:32

I once knew a man ten feet tall
And one evening we went to a ball
He was too tall to dance

Scribbles Mon 11-Dec-17 14:33:12

I once knew a man ten feet tall
And one evening we went to a ball

Bellanonna Mon 11-Dec-17 13:39:31

My Christmas Tree is moulting
It already looks quite revolting
The fairy's in tatters
Not that it matters
I’m just so fed up with the whole thing

I once knew a man ten feet tall

Luckygirl Mon 11-Dec-17 13:05:21

My Christmas Tree is moulting
It already looks quite revolting
The fairy's in tatters
Not that it matters

Squiffy Mon 11-Dec-17 12:24:11

My Christmas Tree is moulting
It already looks quite revolting
The fairy's in tatters

JackyB Mon 11-Dec-17 12:02:46

My Christmas Tree is moulting
It already looks quite revolting

NannyTee Mon 11-Dec-17 10:44:15

I shovelled my front path today
The snow had got right in my way
It was up to my knees
Making both my legs freeze
So now I've got frostbite..Hooray !

My Christmas Tree is moulting

travelsafar Mon 11-Dec-17 07:33:18

I shovelled my front path today
The snow had got right in my way
It was up to my knees
Making both my legs freeze

Jangran99 Sun 10-Dec-17 23:12:12

I shovelled my front path today
The snow had got right in my way
It was up to my knees

FarNorth Sun 10-Dec-17 20:42:38

I shovelled my front path today
The snow had got right in my way

NannyTee Sun 10-Dec-17 20:24:40

I still haven't put up my tree
Don’t worry, cos neither have we
But we did buy the goose
And the booze and the juice
And everyone's welcome for free.

I shovelled my front path today

Bellanonna Sun 10-Dec-17 19:38:55

I still haven't put up my tree
Don’t worry, cos neither have we
But we did buy the goose
And the booze and the juice

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