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Last Three Letters - 4

(1001 Posts)
Bellanonna Sat 24-Nov-18 16:20:26

Last entry -
Reckon everyone’s drunk

Bellanonna Tue 27-Nov-18 18:49:01

Rubbish under bed

Lisagran Tue 27-Nov-18 18:51:44

Better empty Dyson

Buffybee Tue 27-Nov-18 18:54:30

Some other notion

Lisagran Tue 27-Nov-18 18:56:19

Idea or news?

holdingontometeeth Tue 27-Nov-18 18:56:58

Before turning on

Bellanonna Tue 27-Nov-18 19:01:40

Ever won something? (From

Lisagran Tue 27-Nov-18 19:02:38

It’s never gold

Brunette10 Tue 27-Nov-18 20:43:42

One lousy day.

Lisagran Tue 27-Nov-18 20:57:53

Doing actual yodelling

Buffybee Tue 27-Nov-18 21:38:12

I never gargle

Lisagran Tue 27-Nov-18 21:57:13

Guests leaving early

Bellanonna Wed 28-Nov-18 08:25:17

Risotto’s light yellow

gerry86 Wed 28-Nov-18 08:58:36

Light orange wool

Lynne59 Wed 28-Nov-18 09:49:11

Other option, yellow

henetha Wed 28-Nov-18 09:56:03

Lots of whisky

gerry86 Wed 28-Nov-18 10:15:35

saw kids yesterday

JessK Wed 28-Nov-18 10:26:30

Dreary afternoon yawning

Buffybee Wed 28-Nov-18 13:15:29

I never go

gerry86 Wed 28-Nov-18 13:40:22

radio going off

Buffybee Wed 28-Nov-18 15:03:28

Ordering fried fish

Lisagran Wed 28-Nov-18 15:04:31

It’s salted herring

Buffybee Wed 28-Nov-18 15:05:21

I never guessed

Bellanonna Wed 28-Nov-18 16:56:23

Salmon’s easily digested

Lisagran Wed 28-Nov-18 16:57:52

Turbot eventually dries

popsis71 Wed 28-Nov-18 20:42:27

in evening sunshine

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