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Fantastic Friday: Miss MaryDoll's Friday Brain Frying Testing Teaser.

(73 Posts)
Marydoll Fri 19-Jun-20 09:04:23

Good morning class, it’s Friday and a day off for you tomorrow
Remember, there will be no class on Monday, unless someone wants to deputise.

Just a few words of advice.
Please read the blooming question properly! grin

Please state the values for all the fish and the ❓ Sorry it's not so clear and it is a bit tricky! wink

Clown fish (red and white)
Surgeon fish (blue, but not a dolphin!)

Pittcity Fri 19-Jun-20 11:25:29

I lyk a dandeelyon n berrdoc wiv fishnchips.

Nortsat Fri 19-Jun-20 11:40:38

Fanks Puzzler and Bathsheba, I will av the barlee shugar and the coff sweeet, pleez.

On Mundae, I wull fetch in sum sherbert lemmons ...??

Doodle Fri 19-Jun-20 11:42:03

Ello enewywun. Miss Charley dats so nyce ov yous. Pleese mae I av a dite cok to go wiv myne ? and ?.
Cor Mondee orf I cud av a lie in ewesyoual ?

Wez mus bee septeonawy gud twoda for Miss so she git well soon.

Doodle Fri 19-Jun-20 11:45:50

puzzler you membred myne lickwish. Oh Fankoo dats sew kynd. ?. I got choklit buntins four uz awl.

Nortsat youz kan av dis sherbit lemin from myne potit. Itz a bit fwuffy.?

Squiffy Fri 19-Jun-20 11:54:42

Ooh lickwish, mi veree faverittist an Annie Seed two! Yoo can awl shayre mines an ile bring Shirt Bert two dip de lickwish in.

Charleygirl5 Fri 19-Jun-20 11:55:24

CraftyG you know I do not approve you having alcohol but what goes on in your house is up to your parents. You will not be receiving any alcoholic beverages here, ever.

Puzzler61 Fri 19-Jun-20 12:13:03

I ‘av pee emmed you Miss agen wiv mi Maffs coz I got it wong furst twy.
I fink itz coz I ad a sip of Crafty’s mum’s gin. It iz vewy nise wiv coke. ?

Puzzler61 Fri 19-Jun-20 12:13:38

No wum, not Gin!!! I am not wiv it todae.

Charleygirl5 Fri 19-Jun-20 12:31:22

Puzzler you are not old enough to consume alcoholic drinks. I will be informing your mother after school. You may drink the diet coke on its own.

Nortsat Fri 19-Jun-20 12:38:41

If we izz avin Mundae ooff, Eye will eat all me sherbert lemmons meself ??

Doodle Fri 19-Jun-20 12:52:32

Yous cud save dem for Toosday Nortsat ......eber opeful ?

Marydoll Fri 19-Jun-20 12:54:56

Hello there class, I hope you are all behaving.

A number of you clever pupils have worked out the values of the fish, but calculated that the answer is 52, which is incorrect.

(Sturgeon x squid) + 2dolphins = ?

Have you forgotten your BODMAS or was it, you didn't notice that there were two dolphins.

Marydoll Fri 19-Jun-20 13:04:27

Squiffy ??
Nortsat ? ?
Pittcity ? ?
Callistemon ? ?
Mary51 ? ?
Puzzler ?
Silverlining ? from yesterday.
Justwidowed ?

I hope I have got everyone. I'm in a right old fankle here! ?

Marydoll Fri 19-Jun-20 13:20:36

I'm mortified, I missed out our very own Miss Charley. ?blush

Marydoll Fri 19-Jun-20 13:21:42

Justwidowed ?

Charleygirl5 Fri 19-Jun-20 13:57:08

OMG I deserve the remainder of the day off having managed to work out something correct for once. I bow gracefully out of the maths puzzles and leave those to the brightest in our class.

Feelingmyage55 Fri 19-Jun-20 14:14:53

I’ve go a fyoo diffrent ansurs so I’m wating for Miss to post them coz iv gon oll shi. Im oll doolally isolating. Miss please hav my good wishes for Monday.

Feelingmyage55 Fri 19-Jun-20 14:16:09

Is there a deputy for Monday. I can’t do Maths but could do a riddle?

Bathsheba Fri 19-Jun-20 14:29:11

Weldun Miss Charley I nyoo yoo ad it in yoo sumware!

Charleygirl5 Fri 19-Jun-20 14:30:00

I cannot do the maths but maybe Puzzler or Doodle? Why not enjoy the weekend off?

Puzzler61 Fri 19-Jun-20 14:39:51

I nominate Doodle . She has been here a lot longer than me and it may save her having to be “employed” by others Miss Charley?

Feeling I had 3 go’s at the algebra today and don’t know yet if the 3rd try was right. Not at all confident ?

Charleygirl5 Fri 19-Jun-20 14:45:16

Sorry Puzzler I thought you were one of the whiz kids possibly destined to teach maths when you leave school!

I think it would be easier if everybody had a long weekend off and come back on Tuesday, refreshed. If MissDoll is not up to doing what she does best, I will teach English grammar.

Puzzler61 Fri 19-Jun-20 14:46:15

Gurls let me whisperr - wot is mi BODMAS - Miss is tawkin abowt?
I dunno wot she meenz ?
If I got da sums wong I will blame nowin bout mi BODMAS.

Puzzler61 Fri 19-Jun-20 14:48:56

I’m stayin at dis skool fur eternetee Miss C . ?

Callistemon Fri 19-Jun-20 14:52:07

BODMAS is the order in which you do an equation:

Brackets (if there are any)

There were no brackets but I put some in when I was working it out.
Oh, it's a squid, I thought it was a crab !