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More historical figures continued

(1001 Posts)
mokryna Sun 11-Oct-20 08:49:48

Wordsworth William

Jumblygran Wed 21-Oct-20 08:46:56

Vincent Van Gogh

Sarnia Wed 21-Oct-20 08:49:39

Vincent Van Gogh

Sarnia Wed 21-Oct-20 08:52:12

Got pipped at the post there by Jumblygran. Great minds and all that.

Jumblygran Wed 21-Oct-20 08:54:27

Congrats Sarnia good choice

Fernbergien Thu 22-Oct-20 12:11:14

Wellington Duke of

May7 Thu 22-Oct-20 17:09:31

Xavier St Francic

mokryna Fri 23-Oct-20 01:51:37

York. Richard Duke Of

Grannmarie Fri 23-Oct-20 19:17:43

Zelda Fitzgerald

eGJ Fri 23-Oct-20 19:54:02

Andrew Garfield, US President

May7 Fri 23-Oct-20 21:34:01

ST Bernadette

eGJ Sat 24-Oct-20 12:09:35

Charlie Chaplin.

Fernbergien Sat 24-Oct-20 12:46:56

Dickens (Charles)

May7 Sat 24-Oct-20 14:14:20

Ernest Shackleton

eGJ Sat 24-Oct-20 18:04:13

Freddie Mercury

May7 Sat 24-Oct-20 18:45:11

Greta Garbo

eGJ Sun 25-Oct-20 09:27:00

Harold Wilson

henetha Sun 25-Oct-20 10:10:35

Isabella of Castille

May7 Sun 25-Oct-20 18:43:43

John Lennon

eGJ Sun 25-Oct-20 20:42:21

Keir Hardie, James

May7 Mon 26-Oct-20 14:00:25

Lord Palmerston

eGJ Mon 26-Oct-20 18:34:54

Mary Moffat

tidyskatemum Mon 26-Oct-20 18:40:52

Nehru, Pandit

Flutterby1 Mon 26-Oct-20 21:20:35

Oscar Wilde

May7 Mon 26-Oct-20 22:08:33


eGJ Mon 26-Oct-20 22:16:27

Queen Kristina of Sweden

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