Gransnet forums



(1001 Posts)
crazyH Mon 12-Oct-20 01:19:35

Last three words:

Experts react everywhere

May7 Mon 16-Nov-20 20:27:39

Every athlete runs

QuaintIrene Tue 17-Nov-20 02:09:07

Uncles new shoes

eGJ Tue 17-Nov-20 07:35:10

Over every stile

eGJ Tue 17-Nov-20 21:21:21

I love eggs

Tangerine Tue 17-Nov-20 21:24:59

Got generous salary

QuaintIrene Tue 17-Nov-20 21:54:18

Always reply yourself

eGJ Wed 18-Nov-20 03:49:22

Early learning forum

eGJ Thu 19-Nov-20 06:31:33

Really unusual meal

May7 Thu 19-Nov-20 17:12:09

Early alarm, LOUD

crazyH Thu 19-Nov-20 17:27:30

Ousted useless dancer


eGJ Thu 19-Nov-20 20:54:37

Congratulate every recipient

crazyH Thu 19-Nov-20 21:13:20

I'm getting games fever?

Eating noodles today

QuaintIrene Thu 19-Nov-20 23:40:18

Do add yeast

eGJ Fri 20-Nov-20 06:25:55

And salt teaspoons

May7 Fri 20-Nov-20 14:16:08

Only new shoes

eGJ Fri 20-Nov-20 16:40:23

Only elegant sandals

QuaintIrene Fri 20-Nov-20 22:20:47

Always look sophisticated

eGJ Sat 21-Nov-20 06:15:40

The eternal destination

May7 Sat 21-Nov-20 19:42:53

I'm on Netflix

eGJ Sun 22-Nov-20 16:45:39

Lurking in x-ray

May7 Sun 22-Nov-20 16:53:19

Ready are you?

Fernbergien Mon 23-Nov-20 12:02:19

You our uncle?

eGJ Tue 24-Nov-20 05:49:33

Clear lemonade enjoyed

Bathsheba Tue 24-Nov-20 14:02:12

You're easily deceived

eGJ Tue 24-Nov-20 20:16:47

Viewing every dress

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